Carter-Ruck on Libel and Privacy, 6th Edition

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Carter-Ruck on Libel and Privacy, 6th Edition

Author  Cameron Doley, Alastair Mullis, Carter Ruck
Publication Date
Format Hardcover
Publisher LexisNexis


Every practitioner working with the law of defamation or the law of contempt should obtain Carter-Ruck on Libel and Privacy, 6th ed.

comprising a description of the defamation laws in more than 50 nations, including Malaysia, Singapore, and Eastern Europe. It takes into account the Defamation Act of 1996 and will be helpful to anyone whose activities place them in a global context.

The Human Rights Act, data protection, the law of privacy, and significant cases like Reynolds v. Times Newspapers have all been added to the sixth edition, which has also been updated and enlarged.

Table of Contents of Carter-Ruck on Libel and Privacy, 6th Edition

Part 1 Reputation
1. Introduction
2. What is reputation?
3. Libel and slander distinguished
4. What is defamatory?
5. Publication
6. Reference to the claimant
7. Jurisdiction, Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments
8. Parties
9. Truths
10. Fair comment
11. Absolute privilege
12. Qualified privilege
13. Offer of amends
14. Other defences
15. Remedies
16. Criminal libel
17. Malicious Falsehood

Part 2 Private Information and other related topics
18. What is privacy?
19. Protection of Private Information – the claim
20. Data protection
21. Freedom of information
22. Harassment
23. Other causes of action protecting privacy
24. Remedies

Part 3A Defamation Practice and Procedure
25. Before the action
26. The Claim
27. Pre-trial procedure
28. Trial
29. Costs
30. Appeal

Part 3B Privacy Practice and Procedure
31. Before the action
32. The Claim
33. Pre-trial procedure
34. Trial
35. Costs
36. Appeal

Part 4 – International
37-45 Comparative chapters on defamation and privacy law covering countries in Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, North America, North Africa, Middle East, Central and South America.

Defamation Act 1996
Schedule 1 to the Defamation Act 1996
Summary disposal of claims
International limitation periods
Schedule of awards of damages in libel actions in the years 1951-2008

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SKU: 4204358434 ISBN: 9788180389078

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