Delay And Disruption In Construction Contracts


Delay And Disruption In Construction Contracts By Andrew Burr

Author Andrew Burr
Publication Date Feb,2016
ISBN 9781138940666
Publisher Informa Law from Routledge


Delay and disturbance during construction have always been critical issues in every construction project. Delay and Disruption in Construction Contracts, now in its fifth edition, is the leading guide to these frequently difficult and potentially expensive concerns.

This book offers information on how to address delay and interruption at every step of a project, from conception through completion and beyond:

  • An worldwide advisory board of expert editors
  • An examination of the legislation in this area in England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and the United States.
  • Standard forms from the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States, and New Zealand are discussed and compared.
  • New sections on the civil law dynamic, BIM, and adjudication have been included.
  • New appendices on the SCL Protocol and the technique of choice for delay analysis
  • Over 100 textual "Illustrations" relate directly to ideas described in the book, resulting in fully updated case law.
  • Customized diagrams that may be downloaded as a digital file to help in the explanation of complex subjects

This book tackles the issue of delay and interruption in a manner that is both practical and intellectually sound. As a result, each lawyer, project manager, architect, contractor, or academic working in the building sector should have a copy on hand.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Delay And Disruption

1. Introduction and Terminology
2. Risk of Development
3. Project Procurement
4. Standard Form Provisions for Time and Cost
5. Notices, Claims and Early Warnings
6. Extensions of Time and Time at Large
7. Planning and Programming
8. Presentation and Approval of Programmes
9. Monitoring, Updating, and Amending Programmes
10. Change Management
11. Mitigation and Acceleration
12. Variation and Change
13. Getting at the Facts of Delay
14. The Analysis of Cause and Effect
15. Forensic Programme Analysis
16. Float and Time Contingencies
17. Concurrency, Parallelism and Pacing
18. Disruption to Progress and Lost Productivity
19. Damages
20. Global and Total Loss Claims
21. Apportionment
22. Settlements and Dispute Resolution
23. Adjudication
24. Mandatory Laws in International Construction Contracts


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SKU: 9.78114E+12 ISBN: 9781138940666

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