Take-overs and Mergers, 3rd Edition (Soft Cover)
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Take-overs and Mergers, 3rd Edition (Soft Cover) BY Chandrasegar Chidambaram
Author | Chandrasegar Chidambaram |
Publication Date | September, 2020 |
ISBN | 9789814892322 |
Format | Softcover / eBook |
Publisher | LexisNexis Singapore |
Take-overs and Mergers, 3rd Edition is a thorough and comprehensive examination of the law and practise of takeovers and mergers. The emphasis is on practise and procedure throughout. The fundamental reasons and purposes for the Rules and General Principles are explained in depth to provide a better understanding of the regulators' perspective and the logic for the Rules and General Principles. This new edition has been meticulously constructed to give a comprehensive guide for investment bankers, lawyers, and other professionals involved in mergers and acquisitions. The Financial Markets Regulatory Framework, the Securities and Futures Act, the SGX-ST Listing Manual, the Competition Act, the Companies Act, and the Singapore Code on Takeovers and Mergers are all addressed in depth.
• Designed as a work of reference for practitioners and others involved in mergers and acquisitions, this book is required reading for them.
• In Singapore, this is the only standard book on takeovers and mergers.
• Transactional documents are included in the work (including key documents such as the offer document, the target board circular, press announcement and schemes of arrangement document from actual transactions).
• This Edition analyses and reproduces SIC Public Statements, Practice Notes, and Key Rulings.
• In Singapore, this is the only standard book on takeovers and mergers.
• Transactional documents are included in the work (including key documents such as the offer document, the target board circular, press announcement and schemes of arrangement document from actual transactions).
• This Edition analyses and reproduces SIC Public Statements, Practice Notes, and Key Rulings.
TABLE OF CONTENTS of Take-overs and Mergers, 3rd Edition (Soft Cover)
Chapter 1: Legal and Economic Background
Chapter 2: Pre-1974 Scheme
Chapter 3: Regulatory Scheme
Chapter 4: The Approach and The Early Stages
Chapter 5: Dealings – Restrictions and Disclosure Regime
Chapter 6: Voluntary Offers
Chapter 7: Mandatory Offers
Chapter 8: Partial and Comparable Offers
Chapter 9: Take-Over Documentation
Chapter 10: Conduct During Offer and Offer Timetable
Chapter 11: Defensive Tactics Against Hostile Bids
Chapter 12: Squeeze Outs, Schemes and Amalgamations
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SKU: 4093726313
ISBN: 9789814892322
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