Admiralty Law & Practice, 3rd Edition By Toh Kian Sing | 2016

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Admiralty Law & Practice, 3rd Edition By Toh Kian Sing

Author Toh Kian Sing, SC
Publication Date 04 October, 2016
ISBN 9789814770026
Format Hardcover / eBook
Publisher LexisNexis
  1. The Third Edition, which follows the Second Edition by nearly a decade, includes the fundamental decisions on admiralty law handed down by courts in Singapore, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Hong Kong in the recent decade.
    Several chapters have been updated to reflect recent legislative and case law developments, particularly in the fields of admiralty jurisdiction, arrest procedure, maritime liens, and tonnage limits.
  2. While the legislative references are based on Singapore and Malaysian law, the Third Edition of Admiralty Law & Practice also includes instances from other jurisdictions, such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Canada, that have the same or essentially similar legislative frameworks on admiralty law as these two. The Singapore, Malaysian, Hong Kong, and Australian courts have all mentioned earlier editions of this book (Admiralty Law & Practice) in their rulings.

About the author of the book  Admiralty Law & Practice, Toh Kian Sing:

Toh Kian Sing, SC LLB (Hons)(NUS), BCL (Oxon), is the head of shipping and international trade at Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP. He has taught at the National University of Singapore and Singapore Management University, and he is currently a visiting professor at Dalian Maritime University, which he uses to supplement his legal practise.

In addition to admiralty law, he specialises in bills of lading, charter parties, shipbuilding, maritime insurance, and commodities disputes.

On a regular basis, he settles shipping and commodity disputes. Over the years, Kian Sing has developed a strong reputation in letters of credit and warehouse finance disputes, and he is frequently hired by banks and commodities businesses to handle such cases.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Admiralty Law & Practice, 3rd Edition

Chapter 1: Introduction to Admiralty Jurisdiction
Chapter 2: Subject of Action in Rem: Subject Matter
Jurisdiction of the Action in Rem
Chapter 3: Invocation of Admiralty Jurisdiction
Chapter 4: Procedure Leading Up to Arrest in an Admiralty Action in Rem and Provision of Security
Chapter 5: Procedural Matters Arising After Arrest
Chapter 6: Maritime Liens
Chapter 7: Possessory Liens
Chapter 8: Statutory Rights of Action in Rem (Statutory Lien)
Chapter 9: Priorities
Chapter 10: Admiralty and Non Admiralty Actions in Personam
Chapter 11: Limitation Periods in Admiralty Actions
Chapter 12: Limitation of Liability
Chapter 13: Forum Selection in Maritime Proceedings
Chapter 14: Stay of Proceedings in Favour or Arbitration, Mareva Injunction in Aid Arbitration

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ISBN: 9789814770026

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