Akta Badan-Badan Berkanun (Tatatertib Dan Surcaj) 2000 (Akta 605) [Hingga 1hb November 2023]

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[Hingga 1hb November 2023]
Suatu Akta untuk mengadakan peruntukan bagi perkara-perkara yang berhubungan dengan tatatertib, dan pengenaan surcaj ke atas, pegawai-pegawai badan berkanun yang diperbadankan oleh undang-undang persekutuan, dan bagi perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengannya.

*Nota: Buku ini mengandungi kedua-dua versi Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris

Detailed Akta Badan-Badan Berkanun (Tatatertib Dan Surcaj) 2000 (Akta 605) :

The Statutory Bodies (Discipline and Surcharge) Act 2000, also known as AKTA BADAN-BADAN BERKANUN (TATERTIB DAN SURCAJ) 2000 (AKTA 605), is a Malaysian law that establishes a disciplinary procedure for statutory body employees. The Act strives to guarantee that workers for statutory entities, including businesses with ties to the government, uphold high moral and ethical standards.

Directors, officials, and staff of statutory bodies are all subject to the Act. Every corporate body constituted by or pursuant to any written legislation, or by the Federal Government, State Government, or municipal authority, is defined as a "statutory body" under this definition. Public officials who are already bound by the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations are exempt from the Act.

The Act establishes a disciplinary procedure that enables the investigation of claims of misbehaviour or duty violation by statutory body personnel. An investigating officer must be appointed as part of the procedure, who may be a member of staff of the statutory body or an outsider chosen by the Minister. The investigating officer has the authority to call witnesses, gather proof, and present suggestions to the disciplinary authority.

The Act also allows for the application of surcharges on statutory body personnel who have negligently or willfully caused the organisation to suffer financial damage. The surcharge is recoverable as a debt owed to the statutory authority and may be up to three times the amount of the loss suffered.

The disciplinary authority, which is in charge of taking disciplinary action against employees who are found to have engaged in misconduct or breached their obligations, has the power to impose a variety of sanctions, including dismissal, downgrading, suspension, or a fine. The disciplinarian may also issue a warning or reprimand, as well as demand that the worker complete training or therapy.

The Act's overall goal is to encourage accountability and honesty among workers for statutory organisations by offering a strong disciplinary procedure and the implementation of surcharges where necessary.

Akta Badan-Badan Berkanun (Tatatertib Dan Surcaj) 2000 (Akta 605) Contains:

Akta Badan-Badan Berkanun (Tatatertib dan Surcaj) 2000 (Akta 605)
Statutory Bodies (Discipline and Surcharge) Act 2000 (Act 605)

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SKU: 3792260608 ISBN: 9789678930277

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