Akta Pemberi Pinjam Wang 1951 (Akta 400) & Peraturan-Peraturan (Hingga 25hb November 2022)

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Akta Pemberi Pinjam Wang 1951 (Akta 400) & Peraturan-Peraturan

(Hingga 25hb November 2022)


Suatu Akta bagi pengawalan dan peraturan perniagaan pemberi pinjam wang, perlindungan ke atas peminjam-peminjam yang meminjam wang dalam urusan perniagaan yang sedemikian, dan perkara-erkara yang berkaitan dengannya.

Detailed Contents of Akta Pemberi Pinjam Wang 1951 (Akta 400) & Peraturan-Peraturan :

Malaysian legislation, known as Akta Pemberi Pinjam Wang 1951 (Akta 400), regulates the actions of moneylenders and the lending of money. The Act's goals are to safeguard the interests of borrowers and regulate the moneylending industry in Malaysia.

The Act includes guidelines for the licencing of moneylenders, the conditions of loan agreements, the maximum interest rates that may be imposed, the defence of borrowers' rights, and the act's enforcement.

Regulations under Akta 400 are known as Peraturan-Peraturan (Regulations), and they include things like how licences are applied for and issued, how moneylenders are required to keep records, and how interest is calculated. In order to guarantee Act compliance, the rules also call for the creation of a moneylenders' register and the hiring of inspectors.

The Act and rules are still in existence as of 25 November 2022, and they are implemented by the Registrar of Moneylenders, who is in charge of monitoring the operations of moneylenders in Malaysia.

The Akta Pemberi Pinjam Wang 1951 only applies to licenced moneylenders in Malaysia; other lending institutions, such as banks and finance firms, are not included. The Registrar of Moneylenders will investigate complaints made by borrowers who are having problems with their loans from licenced moneylenders

Akta Pemberi Pinjam Wang 1951 (Akta 400) contains :

Akta Pemberi Pinjam Wang 1951 (Akta 400)
Peraturan-Peraturan Pemberi Pinjam Wang (Kawalan dan Pelesenan) 2003
Peraturan-Peraturan Pemberi Pinjam Wang (Pengkompaunan Kesalahan) 2003
Pengecualian di Bawah Subseksyen 2A(2)

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SKU: 4201411700 ISBN: 9789678929745

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