Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 (Act 304) & Regulations (AS OF 25.5.2004)

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Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 (Act 204) 


[As At 25th MAY 2004]

Detailed Contents Of Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 (Act 304) :

The Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 (Act 304) is a Malaysian law that provides for the regulation and control of atomic energy and the use of radioactive materials. The act establishes the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) as the regulatory body responsible for granting licenses, enforcing regulations, and ensuring safety in the use of atomic energy and radioactive materials.

The Act has been amended several times, and as of 25th May 2004, the following regulations were in effect:

  1. Atomic Energy Licensing (Basic Safety Standards) Regulations 1985 These regulations prescribe the basic safety standards to be followed in the use of atomic energy and radioactive materials. It outlines the general principles of radiation protection, the requirements for radiation monitoring, and the responsibilities of licensees in maintaining safe working conditions.

  2. Atomic Energy Licensing (Fees) Regulations 1987 These regulations provide for the payment of fees to the AELB for the grant, renewal, and amendment of licenses for the use of atomic energy and radioactive materials.

  3. Atomic Energy Licensing (Transport of Radioactive Substances) Regulations 1988 These regulations set out the requirements for the transportation of radioactive materials, including packaging and labeling requirements, transport documents, and emergency procedures.

  4. Atomic Energy Licensing (Exemption) Regulations 1989 These regulations provide for exemptions from the requirements of the Act and regulations for certain uses of atomic energy and radioactive materials, where it is determined that the risk to public health and safety is negligible.

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