Boilerplate: Practical Clauses, 8th Edition


Boilerplate: Practical Clauses, 8th Edition By Richard Christou

Author Richard Christou
Publication Date December 2019
ISBN 9780414073975
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell


This collection of boilerplate language includes suggestions on how to apply each phrase as well as in-depth analytical analysis. The book includes a CD-rom that has all the provisions for readers' convenience and, where appropriate, incorporates recent case law.

  • provides a wide variety of boilerplate clauses for use in the various circumstances that arise when establishing business contracts.
  • gives advice on when and how to utilise each clause, which is useful for both seasoned and less experienced draftspeople.
  • identifies and describes pertinent legislation in regards to writing boilerplate clauses.
  • incorporates citations to significant legal precedent and evaluates its effects.
  • offers substitute language or clauses to better match customer needs.
  • analyses clauses in a way that makes the implications of their usage clear.
  • For the readers' convenience, all the clauses are also available on a CD-rom.
  • includes all common warranties.
  • includes liability exclusions.
  • full agreement and variation clauses are provided.
  • provides internet and contracting provisions.
  • investigates how cloud computing affects the duty to protect sensitive information.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Boilerplate: Practical Clauses, 8th Edition

  • Introduction;
  • Definitions and interpretation;
  • Commencement and termination;
  • Confidentiality and disclosure;
  • Intellectual property rights;
  • Standard warranties;
  • Exclusions of liability;
  • Retention of title and vesting;
  • Service of notices;
  • Whole agreement and variation clauses;
  • Miscellaneous clauses;
  • Disputes and conflict clauses;
  • Contracting and the internet;
  • Precedent 1: Consumer Guarantees and Exclusion Clauses;
  • Precedent 2: Purchase Order for Consumer Goods;
  • Precedent 3: Agreement for the Supply of Work and Material to a Consumer;
  • Appendix 1: Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Directive: Terms Referred to in art.3(3) of Directive 93/13/EEC;
  • Appendix 2: Schedule 2: Consumer contract terms which may be regarded as unfair;
  • Appendix 3: The Consumer Rights Directive

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SKU: 1689283408 ISBN: 9780414073975

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