Collins On Defamation BY Matthew Collins


Collins On Defamation BY Matthew Collins

Author Matthew Collins
Publication Date 20 March 2014
ISBN 9780199673520
Format Hardcover (880 Pages)
Publisher Oxford


Overview of Collins On Defamation

  • This enlarged work by a well-known author, who drew on his earlier book The Law of Defamation and the Internet, fully takes into account the amendments made by the 2013 Defamation Act.
  • With authorities and comparative analysis culled from a vast international research base encompassing Europe, Asia, America, and Australia, this commentary is accessible and up to date on a complicated field of law.
  • coverage of key connected causes of action and the rules governing conflicts of laws.
  • logically organised structure that integrates practise and substantive law.
  • Contains detailed precedents for common notifications and pleadings, tables of recent damages awards in defamation and abuse of private information lawsuits, and pertinent legislation, including the Defamation Act 2013, reproduced in full and thoroughly examined.

Description of Collins On Defamation

This book analyses the modern law of defamation in a way that unifies its various sources—the common law, earlier statutory reforms, European and other foreign influences, and the changes made by the Defamation Act 2013—into a coherent structure. It was written by the highly regarded author of The Law of Defamation and the Internet.

Collins on Defamation analyses the 2013 laws' effects as well as their many confusing and debatable constructional issues and their unintended repercussions. It also examines the ramifications of the 2013 reforms.

To clarify the application of pertinent concepts, such as those that apply to multijurisdictional publications and proceedings involving one or more foreign litigants, the book draws on authorities from a large body of international research.

Along with presenting an exhaustive examination of the law of defamation, the work also covers essential and developing associated causes of action, such as the misuse of private information, malicious untruth, data protection rights, and harassment protection, in great depth. There are also numerous precedents for common notices and pleadings and comprehensive tables of recent damages awards.

Any practitioner in the area needs to have this book in their library.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Collins On Defamation 

Part I: Introduction
1.:General Introduction
2.:Preliminary Considerations
Part II: The Cause of Action for Defamation
3.:Libel and Slander
6.:Defamatory Meaning
7.:Serious Harm Threshold
Part III: Defences
9.:Honest Opinion
10.:Absolute Privilege
11.:Duty and Interest Form of Qualified Privilege
12.:Publication on Matter of Public Interest
13.:Fair Report Defences
14.:Peer-Reviewed Statements
15.:Operators of Websites
16.:Innocent Dissemination
17.:Electronic Commerce Regulations
18.:Other Defences
19.:Limitation Period
Part IV: Remedies and Related Matters
20.:Non-Pecuniary Remedies
22.:Vicarious Liability
23.:Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments Abroad
Part V: European Influences
24.:Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
Part VI: Conflict of Laws
26.:Choice of Law
27.:Proof of Foreign Law
Part VII: Related Causes of Action
28.:Criminal Libel
29.:Malicious Falsehood
30.:Misuse of Private Information
31.:Data Protection Act 1998
33.:Protection from Harassment
34.:Other Complaints Mechanisms
b:Civil Procedure Rules, Protocols, and Practice Directions
c:Introduction to American Defamation Law
d:Other Liberalized Defences of Qualified Privilege
e:Damages Awards in Defamation Actions
f:Damages Awards in Misuse of Private Information Actions

Author of Collins On Defamation

Matthew Collins, Victorian Bar
Dr. Matthew Collins QC is a Melbourne-based attorney who specialises in commercial law, media law, and information technology. He is a door tenant at One Brick Court chambers in London, a Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne, and the author of all three versions of The Law of Defamation and the Internet (OUP, 2001, 2005, 2010).
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SKU: 4182654697 ISBN: 9780199673520

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