Commercial Transactions in Singapore: The Law and Model Documents, 4th Edition


Commercial Transactions in Singapore: The Law and Model Documents, 4th Edition

Author Central Chambers Law Corporation
Publication Date Jun 2016
ISBN 9789810981211
Hardcover + Ebook
Publisher  Sweet & Maxwell


Formerly known as Model Commercial Contracts and Letters, this revised and enhanced book aims to provide practical assistance in matters regarding the drafting of contracts and letters, to the various individuals who play different roles in a corporate structure. Each chapter begins with an introductory text, or a short commentary of the current law, and proceeds to suggest how letters and contracts may  be prepared. Where appropriate, the use of forms and precedents and suggested checklists are discussed in greater detail.

NEW IN THIS EDITION of Commercial Transactions in Singapore: The Law and Model Documents, 4th Edition:

  • Includes latest commercial law changes - the recent amendments to the Companies Act and the Personal Data Protection Act.
  • Features four new chapters namely, Personal Data Protection Act, Sale and Purchase of Residential Property, JTC Leases, and Introduction to Contracts.
  • Contains updated comprehensive commentary and new sample contracts.

KEY FEATURES of Commercial Transactions in Singapore: The Law and Model Documents, 4th Edition:

  • Provides in-depth understanding of the basic principles of Commercial Law.
  • Comprehensive commentary and contracts on a wide range of topics arising from the day-to-day tasks within a business.
  • Provides practical assistance, in matters regarding the drafting of contracts and letters, to the various individuals who play different roles in a corporate structure.

CONTENTS of Commercial Transactions in Singapore: The Law and Model Documents, 4th Edition

1. Introduction to Contracts
2. Issues in Renting Out Property or Renting a Property
3. JTC Leases
4. Sale and Purchase of Residential Property
5. Management of Debts and Debt Recovery
6. Company Formation and Administration
7. Formation of Businesses and Partnerships
8. Intellectual Assets
9. Information Technology
10. Personal Data Protection Act
11. Distribution and Agencies
12. Joint Ventures
13. Matters of Insurance
14. Banking and Finance
15. Employment Matters
16. Selling Goods and Obligations that Follow
17. Defamation
18. Complaints and Customer Service
19. Winding Up and Insolvency
20. Mediation and Arbitration
21. International Business Transactions
22. Venture Capital
23. Competition Law

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SKU: 3961856124 ISBN: 9789810981211

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