Corporate Powers Accountability, 3rd Edition

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Corporate Powers Accountability, 3rd Edition by Dato' Loh Siew Cheang

Author Dato' Loh Siew Cheang
Publication Date 18 May, 2018
ISBN 9789674007591
Format Hardcover + eBook / eBook
Publisher LexisNexis


The first edition of this work was published in 1996, and the second edition was issued in 2002, with both editions having more impressions due to its popularity. In his foreword to the first edition, Emeritus Professor John Farrar noted that the author's style is 'lucid and practical,' a 'work of scholarship...and takes its place as one of the Commonwealth's works of excellence.'

The first edition was regarded as a "bold and inventive work" by Sir John Vinelott.

The second edition garnered comparable praise, with Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as he was then) commenting that the author analyses the subject "carefully and thoroughly."

The third edition has been eagerly anticipated, as evidenced by the number of queries received by LexisNexis. This third edition includes the judicial advancements and refinements to common law principles that have occurred both at home and abroad, including statutory amendments. These modifications are examined and analysed in the light of the Companies Act 2016 revisions since 2002.

It provides a contemporary exposition on corporate governance, as well as an innovative approach to company law from the standpoint of accountability of corporate powers and conduct on the part of persons who have administrative or fiduciary duties and responsibilities in the management of the affairs of companies, whether private or public.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Corporate Powers Accountability 3rd Edition

Chapter 1 – The Corporate Person
Chapter 2 – The Constitutional Structure
Chapter 3 – The Governance Structure
Chapter 4 – The Powers of the Corporate Person
Chapter 5 – Organisation of Management Powers
Chapter 6 – Corporate Powers and Third Parties
Chapter 7 – The Exercise of Powers by Directors: Rights and Limitations
Chapter 8 – The Exercise of Powers by the Majority:Rights and Limitations
Chapter 9 – Statutory Limitations on Exercise of Powers: Oppressive Conduct
Chapter 10 – Equitable Constraints Over Majority Power
Chapter 11 – Derivative Proceedings
Chapter 12 – The Personal Action
Chapter 13 – Quality Control: Care, Skill and Diligence
Chapter 14 – Integrity Control: Profiteering and Self-Dealings
Chapter 15 – Connected Transactions
Chapter 16 – De Facto and Shadow Directors
Chapter 17 – Interest in Shares
Chapter 18 – Substantial Shareholders
Chapter 19 – Connected Persons, Arrangements, etc
Chapter 20 – Information for Decision-Making: The General Meeting
Chapter 21 – Meeting: Its Ordinary and Legal Meaning
Chapter 22 – Convention and Constitution of Meetings
Chapter 23 – The Chairman and the Conduct of Meetings
Chapter 24 – General Meetings under the Act
Chapter 25 – The Proxy System
Chapter 26 – Solicitation of Votes, etc
Chapter 27 – The Principle of Unanimous Consent
Chapter 28 – Decisions by Written Circular Resolutions
Chapter 29 – Winding Up: Just and Equitable

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