Delay in the Performance of Contractual Obligations, 2nd Edition by John Stannard | 2018


Delay in the Performance of Contractual Obligations, 2nd Edition By John Stannard

Author John Stannard
Publication Date Feb 2018
ISBN 9780198792321
Publisher Oxford University Press


Delay in the Performance of Contractual Obligations is the most widely used practitioner work on the issue, and it takes into account differences in practice across industries.

In this version, a new chapter on explicit contractual clauses dealing with concerns of delay has been included, with specific reference to building contracts, charter parties, and land sale contracts.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Delay in the Performance of Contractual Obligations:

1:The Proper Time for Performance
2:The Importance of Timely Performance
3:Performance Due on a Contingency
4:The Obligation and its Performance
5:Excuses for Failure to Perform on Time
6:The Effect of Failure to Perform on Time
7:Specific Relief
8:Notices Making Time of the Essence
9:Damages for Delay
10:Withholding Performance
12:Frustrating Delay
13:Express Contractual Provisions

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SKU: 1697008592 ISBN: 9780198792321

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