Dewan's Proof of Documents: Civil and Criminal Including Digital Signature and Electronic Records, 4th Edition by V.K. Dewan

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Dewan's Proof of Documents: Civil and Criminal Including Digital Signature and Electronic Records, 4th Edition by V.K. Dewan

Author V.K Dewan
Publication Date 2021
ISBN 9789390529544
Publisher Thomson Reuters

The proof of of the Genuineness of a Document is proof of the authorship of the document and is proof of a fact like that of any other fact; the evidence relating thereto may be direct or circumstantial, or may consist of direct evidence of a person who said the document being written or the signature being affixed. Although many questions under the Law of Proof of Documents have to be decided on the facts of each case; yet the value of reported decision as guides cannot be eliminated altogether, I have, therefore, spared no pains to collect these decisions instances, helpful as guides. I hope, that the readers would agree with me. I have tried to give the law in words of Judges themselves, as I do think that the course more helpful to practising lawyers, although the method of some places works out the cast of brevity. The present work has been complied for the purpose of bringing up-to-date case-law and amendments in one volume as a practical hand book and as guide of Lawyers, Courts and Officers.

Table of Contents Dewan's Proof of Documents: Civil and Criminal Including Digital Signature and Electronic Records, 4th Edition by V.K. Dewan

Part I (This Part deals with the provisions of Evidence Act)
Chapter    1    : Complete Code of Law of evidence
Chapter    2    : Preliminary, Definitions, Relevance of Facts 
Chapter    3    : Admissions
Chapter    4    : Statements
Chapter    5    : Judgements of Courts of Justice Opinion of Third Persons
Chapter    6    : Facts Which Need not be Proved
Chapter    7    : Documentary Evidence, Primary Evidence and Secondary Evidence
Chapter    8    : Public Document and Proof
Chapter    9    : Presumptions as to Documents
Chapter   10   : Exclusion of Oral by Documentary Evidence
Chapter   11   : Burden of Proof Estoppel Witnesses
Part II (This Part deals with the provisions of Other Act)
Chapter    12   : Transfer of Property Act
Chapter    13   : Benami Transaction Act
Chapter    14   : Specific Relief Act
Chapter    15   : Copyright and Trademark
Chapter    16   : Stamp Act
Chapter    17   : Hire Purchase
Chapter    18   : Registration Act
Chapter    19   : Contract Act
Chapter    20   : Bankers Book's of Evidence
Chapter    21   : Code of Civil Procedure
Chapter    22   : Succession Act
Chapter    23   : Negotiable Instruments Act
Chapter    24   : Limitation Act
Chapter    25   : General Clauses Act
Chapter    26   : Easement Act
Chapter    27   : Right to Information Act
Chapter    28   : Securitisation Act
Chapter    29   : Digital Signature and Electronic Records

Subject Index

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SKU: 3791538359 ISBN: 9789390529544

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