Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific Crime Detection by HJ Walls, Second Edition


Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific Crime Detection by HJ Walls, Second Edition

Author HJ Walls
Publication Date 2015 (South Asian Ed)
ISBN 9789384746476
Soft Cover 
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell


The intent and perspective of this book remain effectively outlined in the initial paragraphs of the preface to the first edition. However, in creating the second edition, the author was motivated by the surprising success of the first edition, which, although primarily intended for non-scientists involved in law enforcement, proved to be more effective than anticipated as an introduction to forensic science for aspiring professionals. Consequently, in this edition, the author has endeavored to balance a comprehensive and scientifically sound exploration of the subject with accessible explanations geared towards readers lacking a scientific background. The degree of success in achieving this balance is open to evaluation by others.

Table of Contents of Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific Crime Detection, Second Edition

1.   Introduction

2.   The Work of the Forensic Science Laboratory
I.     Crime
II.    Crime and Science
III.   Science: A Changing Picture

3.  Contact Traces I—Marks,  Scratches and Physical Fits
I.    Introduction
II.    Marks and Scratches
III.   Casts
IV.   Some Examples

4.   Contact Traces II—Paint, Glass and Soil
I.    Paint
II.   Glass
III.   The Breaking of Glass
IV.   Soil

5.   Other Offences against Property
I.    Safe-Breaking
II.   The Identification of Stolen Property
III.  Detector Powders

6.   Road Accidents
I.    Hit-and-Run Accidents
II.    What Caused the Accident?

7.   Chemistry  and  the  Physical Sciences:   Scope  and Problems
I.    The Chemist’s Problems
II.   Other Physical Sciences

8.   Chemistry: Methods
I.    The Analytical Revolution
II.    Methods of Separation
III.   Electrochemical Measurements
IV.   Thermal Measurements
V.    Optical Methods of Analysis
VI.   Mass Spectrometry
VII.  Methods using X-Rays and Radioactivity
VIII. Characteristic X-Rays and the Scanning Electron Microscope

9.   Alcohol and the Driver
I.    Physiology
II.   Effects
III.  Driving
IV.  The Law
V.    Analysis: What?
VI.   Analysis: How?
VII.  How Much?

10.   Toxicology and Drug Identification
I.    Introductory
II.    Classification
III.    Volatile and Dialysable Poisons; Poisonous Elements
IV.   Involatile Organic Poisons
V.    Difficulties and Special Cases
VI.   Gases and Vapours
VII.   Drug Identification

11.   Personal Identification
I.    The Problem
II.    Personal Appearance, Hair, Bones, Teeth, etc.
III.   Fingerprints
IV.   Blood Groups
V.    A Note on Heredity

12.   Biology I—Blood and Other Body Fluids
I.    Is it Blood?
II.   Other Body Fluids
III.  Species Identification
IV.   The Identification of Red-Cell Antigenic Blood Groups
V.    Polymorphic Protein and Enzyme Systems
VI.   Conclusion

13.   Biology II—Mainly Microscopy
I.    Equipment
II.   Textile Fibres
III.   Hairs
IV.   Other Biological Material
V.    Sexing

14.   Fires  and Explosions
I.    Fires in General
II.   The Expert at the Scene
III.  Spontaneous Combustion
IV.  Arson
V.   Fatal Fires
VI.   Explosions

15.   Firearms

16.   Documents
I.    Scope
II.   Equipment
III.  The Examination of the Material
IV.  Handwriting
V.   Typewriting

17.   Photography

18.   The Scientist In the Witness Box

Further Reading

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