Handbook on Family Law Practice in Malaysia: Commentary, Procedures and Forms
Handbook on Family Law Practice in Malaysia: Commentary, Procedures and Forms by Chris Chin Shang Yoon; Fion Wong Sook Ling
Author |
Chris Chin Shang Yoon, Fion Wong Sook Ling |
Publication Date |
May 2019 |
ISBN | 9789672187707 |
Format |
Soft Cover + eBook / eBook |
Publisher | Sweet & Maxwell |
Commentary, Procedures, and Forms: Handbook on Family Law Practice in Malaysia is a comprehensive handbook on family law practise in Malaysia. This book covers the procedural aspects of family law practise that apply to non-muslims in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, and elsewhere in Malaysia.
The application of the regulating legislative provisions, namely the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 and the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980, is discussed and explained. The court forms are supplied as examples that may be customised and modified for use in a real-life family law case.
The issues covered in this book include judicial separation, divorce, nullity, child custody, collateral remedies, and injunctions against molestation, which are all frequent in family conflicts.
- With commentary on legislative provisions, case law, and court forms, this book contains practical notes and procedures on family law practise in Malaysia.
- Discusses tough themes that are often misunderstood in modern family law practise, as well as critical comments on areas of contention, including as procedures that are sometimes disregarded in practise.
- Provides templates for the court paperwork that must be submitted in family law cases that are frequently appropriate.
- The court forms are offered in Bahasa Melayu, which is the language used in West Malaysia to file papers in court.
- In English, there are instructions on how to use the templates.
- Procedural tables are used to give step-by-step information on processes for various applications, as well as the relevant dates.
Table of Contents of Handbook on Family Law Practice
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