Insurance Claims, 3rd Edition


Insurance Claims, 3rd Edition By Alison Padfield

Author Alison Padfield
Publication Date June, 2012
ISBN 9781847668912
Publisher Bloomsbury Professional


Insurance Claims, 3rd Edition provides a thorough overview of the law governing insurance claims, including claims against insurers and insurance brokers.

The new edition  of Insurance Claims, 3rd Edition incorporates the following legal developments since the previous edition:-

  • Following Kajima and Kidsons, notification of claims and circumstances is required.
  • Recent developments in the area of insurers' damages for late payment.
  • Following Omega Proteins v Aspen Insurance, determining the foundation of the insured's liability to a third party.
  • In light of the EL Trigger Litigation, the importance of commercial motive in the development of policy wordings.
  • Following Kosmar Villa Holidays v Syndicate 1243, there was a waiver and estoppel in relation to procedural criteria.
  • The Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act of 2010 is a piece of legislation that gives third parties the right to sue insurers.
  • The review of consumer and business insurance by the Law Commission.

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SKU: 3673923030 ISBN: 9781847668912

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