Law of Guarantees, 7th Edition


Law of Guarantees, 7th Edition

Author The Hon Mrs Justice Geraldine Andrews; Richard Millett, QC
Publication Date October 2015
ISBN 9780414034150
Format Hardcover
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell

The whole spectrum of legal concerns that practitioners may encounter when dealing with the law and practise of guarantees and sureties is covered by the Law of Guarantees. The writers present a thorough study of the numerous statutory and contractual obligations in respect to guarantees, as well as professional in-depth commentary on significant court judgments, over the course of 18 chapters.

The Law of Guarantees is the well-rounded authority that every commercial lawyer needs at their fingertips, with 14 precedents and an appendix of essential legislative excerpts.

Features of Law of Guarantees, 7th Edition:

  • Describes the many types of contracts in detail, as well as the legal concepts that regulate them.
  • Examines the practical and legal issues that arise from the statutory and contractual obligations pertaining to the law of guarantees that confront the practitioner on a daily basis.
  • Assists practitioners in establishing loan and leasing agreements for clients.
  • Covers all aspects of the law, including loan guarantees, consumer credit, hire purchase, landlord-tenant, construction contracts, and commercial contracts.
  • Examines the components of a promise, as well as their design and enforcement.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Law of Guarantees, 7th Edition

Chapter 1: Definitions and Characteristics
Chapter 2: Contractual Requirements
Chapter 3: Formal Requirements
Chapter 4: Construction
Chapter 5: Vitiating Elements in the Contract
Chapter 6: The Liability of the Surety
Chapter 7: Enforcement of Contracts of Suretyship
Chapter 8: Revocation of Contracts of Suretyship
Chapter 9: Discharge of the Surety
Chapter 10: Rights of the Surety Against the Principal
Chapter 11: Rights of the Surety Against the Creditor
Chapter 12: Rights of the Surety Against Co-Sureties
Chapter 13: Insolvency
Chapter 14: Bank Guarantees and Letters of Comfort
Chapter 15: International Commerce
Chapter 16: Performance Bonds
Chapter 17: Consumer Credit Transactions
Chapter 18: Landlord and Tenant
Precedents 1 - 12
Appendix Legislation

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SKU: 3936482682 ISBN: 9780414034150

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