Love Will Find a Way by Ravette Publishing Limited


Love Will Find a Way

Author Bamforth & Co
Publication Date Mar 2013
ISBN 9781841613673
Format Hardcover
Publisher Ravette Publishing Ltd


Welcome to the world of Bamforth, the first funny postcard manufacturer situated in Yorkshire. A selection of postcard photographs from their collection are featured in 'Love Will Find a Way.'
Bamforth Gift Books displays a unique sense of humour at the expense of skinny guys, drunks, bottoms, and boobs, amongst others. They are the visual counterpart of the bar joke, always teetering on the edge of good taste and occasionally falling over it. It's all about having a good time - and there's never enough of that! With outstanding PR and press coverage, Bamforth's sassy success story stands out, garnering good feedback from retailers and consumers. Bookmarks, coasters, mousemats, giftware, novelty kitchen items, t-shirts, mugs, beer glasses, confectionary, calendars, and greeting cards have all been granted licences so far.
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SKU: 3144104152 ISBN: 9781841613673

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