McGee: The Modern Law of Insurance, 4th Edition


McGee: The Modern Law of Insurance (4th Edition)

Author Professor Andrew McGee
Publication Date Nov 2018
ISBN 9781474310352
Format Hardcover
Publisher LexisNexis U.K.

This popular textbook's fourth edition presents a thorough and authoritative explanation of insurance law, as well as a practical approach to the subject. The Modern Law of Insurance covers a wide range of topics, from specific insurance and third-party protection through claims and settlement effects. New cases and current regulatory regulation modifications in insurance law have been fully updated.

There have been substantial changes to the law of insurance since the last edition, and they are discussed in detail, including:

  • The Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representation Act) of 2012 is a federal law that regulates consumer insurance.
  • Insurance Act of 2015.
  • Versloot, which abolished the norm of "collateral lying."
  • Several cases involving the scope of mandatory motor insurance.
  • The Supreme Court has reviewed insurers' liability in mesothelioma cases, as well as the interpretation of contractual terms in general.

In addition to these statutory changes, there have been major case law developments in a variety of other areas, all of which are thoroughly discussed.

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SKU: 3143942144 ISBN: 9781474310352

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