Millington and Sutherland Williams on The Proceeds of Crime, 5th Edition


Millington and Sutherland Williams on The Proceeds of Crime, 5th Edition

Author Mark Sutherland Williams, Michael Hopmeier, Rupert Jones
Publication Date January 2018
ISBN 9780198758150
Format Hardcover
Publisher Oxford University Press


Millington and Sutherland Williams on The Proceeds of Crime is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the legislation in England and Wales relating to the recovery of criminal proceeds. It includes a step-by-step approach that explores how the law is designed to ensure that offenders do not profit financially from their crimes, as well as extensive coverage of every stage of the confiscation procedure.

This new edition has been completely revised to reflect all significant legislative changes since the fourth edition was published. It features a new chapter on bribery and corruption, as well as coverage of all significant case law, including an update on the ongoing R v Waya case.

The Serious Crime Act 2015, which gives effect to a number of legislative proposals set out in the Serious and Organised Crime Strategy published in October 2013, expands the powers of the National Crime Agency, the police, and other law enforcement agencies to pursue, disrupt, and bring to justice those involved in organised crime.

The new edition includes appendices that have been carefully chosen, such as extracts from the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and draught restraint, receivership, and civil recovery orders.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Millington and Sutherland Williams on The Proceeds of Crime, 5th Edition

1: Setting the scene
2: Restraint orders
3: Ancillary Orders: Seizure, Disclosure and Repatriation of Assets
4: Management Receivers
5: Applications to vary and discharge restraint orders
6: Enforcement of restraint and receivership orders: contempt of court
7: Practice and procedure in Crown Court Restraint and Management Receivership Cases under POCA
8: Preparing for confiscation hearings
9: The confiscation hearing
10: Reconsideration of confiscation orders
11: Enforcement of confiscation orders
12: The insolvent defendant
13: Civil recovery: property freezing orders; interim receivers; and legal expenses
14: Civil recovery: recovery orders; the ECHR; and taxation
15: The seizure and recovery of cash
16: Third parties
17: Investigations
18: Appeals
19: The international element
20: Money laundering
21: Disclosure of suspicious transactions
22: Costs, funding issues, and compensation
23: Terrorism and the proceeds of crime
24: Condemnation and restoration
25: Bribery and Corruption

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SKU: 1665261073 ISBN: 9780198758150

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