Norchaya Talib On Torts (Student Edition) by Ahnaf Azmi | 2021


Norchaya Talib on Torts in Malaysia

(Student Edition)

Author Ahnaf Azmi(Editor) and a team of expert contributors
Publication Date 2021
ISBN 9789672919650
Format Softcover
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell

Norchaya Talib on Torts in Malaysia, which builds on the late Professor Norchaya Talib's established Law of Torts in Malaysia, includes not only traditional torts such negligence, nuisance, trespass, strict liability, and defamation, but also investigates the evolving element of Malaysian tort law.

The chapters have been updated and amended by a team of professional contributors to capture the advances in Malaysian tort law over the last decade, while maintaining the framework of Professor Norchaya's well-known book.


For similar books to Norchaya Talib On Tort, Student Edition: TORT LAW

SKU: 4099330713 ISBN: 9789672919650

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