Nurses Act 1950 (Act 14) And Regulations & Midwives Act 1966 (Act 436) (As At 15th March 2012)

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Nurses Act 1950 (Act 14) And Regulations


Midwives Act 1966 (Act 436)

(As At 15th March 2012)

Detailed Contents of Nurses Act 1950 (Act 14):

In Malaysia, the practise of nursing and midwifery is governed by the Nurses Act 1950 (Act 14) and Regulations, as well as the Midwives Act 1966 (Act 436). These laws define the country's legal framework for the education, licencing, and practise of nurses and midwives.

The Nurses Act of 1950 (Act 14) establishes a Nursing Board to oversee the registration procedure and control the practise of nursing and midwifery in addition to allowing for the registration of nurses and midwives. The Act also specifies the standards of practise for nurses and midwives, as well as the requirements for nursing and midwifery education and training.

According to the Act, the only people who are qualified to register as nurses or midwives are those who have successfully finished an accredited nursing or midwifery programme and passed the required exams. The Act also outlines the reasons for disciplining registered nurses or midwives who act improperly or fail to adhere to professional standards of practise.

Further information on the registration process, including the fees and documentation needed for registration, as well as the prerequisites for renewal of registration, is provided in the rules enacted under the Nurses Act of 1950. Additionally, the regulations outline the ethical norms and standards of practise for nurses and midwives.

Similar provisions are included in the Midwives Act of 1966 (Act 436) for the registration of midwives and the creation of a Midwifery Board to monitor the registration procedure and control the practise of midwifery. The Act specifies the norms of practise for midwives as well as the prerequisites for midwifery education and training.

Only those who have successfully completed an approved midwifery programme and the necessary exams are permitted to register as midwives under the Act. The Act also outlines the reasons for disciplining certified midwives who act improperly or don't adhere to the standards of practise.

Further information on the registration process, including the fees and documentation needed for registration, as well as the prerequisites for renewal of registration, is provided in the rules enacted under the Midwifery Act of 1966. The regulations also outline the midwives' ethical standards of behaviour and professional standards of practise.

In summary, the Nurses Act 1950 (Act 14) and Regulations, as well as the Midwives Act 1966 (Act 436), establish the legal framework for the practise of nursing and midwifery in Malaysia. These statutes also specify the prerequisites for education and training, registration, and professional standards. These regulations are meant to guarantee that Malaysian nurses and midwives treat patients safely and competently while upholding the highest moral and professional standards.

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