Panduan Undang-Undang Jenayah (Hingga 10hb Mei 2022)

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Panduan Undang-Undang Jenayah

[Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, Kanun Keseksaan, Akta Keterangan]

(Hingga 10hb Mei 2022)

Detailed Contents of Panduan Undang-Undang Jenayah:

The Criminal Process Code (CPC) and the Penal Code of Malaysia, which are the main laws controlling criminal procedure and offences in Malaysia, are referred to as "Panduan Undang-Undang Jenayah." The Criminal Code outlines the offences and penalties that are recognised by Malaysian law, while the CPC provide a framework for the investigation, prosecution, and trial of criminal offences.

The steps for investigating and prosecuting criminal offences are outlined in the Criminal Process Code. It outlines procedures for the custody and arrest of suspects, the conduct of police inquiries, the accusation of suspects, and the judicial proceedings for the prosecution and punishment of offenders. The CPC also specifies how the rights of the accused, such as their right to counsel and their right to a fair trial, are to be protected.

The criminal offences and penalties recognised under Malaysian law are listed in the Criminal Code. The Criminal Code covers a wide range of offences, including burglary, fraud, assault, and even murder. The Code also contains prohibitions on several types of criminal responsibility, including conspiracy, attempt, and aiding and abetting.

In order to reflect changing social, economic, and political conditions in Malaysia, the Criminal Code is amended on a regular basis. The criminal justice system will be more effective thanks to these improvements, which also aim to keep it current and responsive to societal demands.

There are other laws and rules that control criminal proceedings and offences in Malaysia in addition to the CPC and the Criminal Code. They include rules concerning drug offences, traffic infractions, and counterterrorism.

The "Panduan Undang-Undang Jenayah" provides a thorough overview of the Malaysian criminal justice system and can be used as a reference by attorneys, judges, law enforcement agents, and members of the public who are interested in learning more about Malaysian criminal law and processes. It attempts to make sure that the administration of criminal justice complies with the rules of justice and the rule of law while also being fair and effective.

Panduan Undang-Undang Jenayah Mengandungi:

Kanun Tatacara Jenayah (Akta 593)
Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574)
Akta Keterangan 1950 (Akta 56)
Akta Keterangan Saksi Kanak-Kanak 2007 (Akta 676)

Akta 593: Suatu Akta berhubung dengan Prosedur Jenayah.
Akta 574: Suatu Akta berkenaan dengan kesalahan-kesalahan jenayah.
Akta 56: Suatu Akta bagi menentukan undang-undang keterangan.

Akta 676: Suatu Akta untuk mengadakan peruntukan yang berhubungan dengan pemberian keterangan oleh saksi kanak-kanak, dan mengenai perkara-perkara lain yang berkaitan dengannya.

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