Practitioners' Guide On Damages Awarded For Defamation Cases In Singapore


Practitioners' Guide On Damages Awarded For Defamation Cases In Singapore

Author District Judge Salina Ishak(Editor-In-Chief); District Judge Clement Julien Tan(Contributing Editor)
Publication Date 2019
ISBN 9789811429637
Publisher Singapore Academy of Law

The Singapore Practitioners' Guide on Damages Paid for Defamation Cases (the "Guide") is a comprehensive reference on the whole range of defamation cases that come before Singapore courts, as well as the range of damages awarded for such claims. It includes case summaries for over a decade of reported and unreported defamation cases filed between 2006 and 2017, as well as a useful and concise tabulation of defamation cases organised by nature of defamation, claimant category, amount awarded, and appeal outcome, as well as case summaries for over a decade of reported and unreported cases filed between 2006 and 2017. The Guide summarises the broad legal concepts governing the tort of defamation in Singapore, making it an excellent introduction for anybody interested in the subject.

It also includes a relevant reference to the Pre-Action Protocol for Defamation Actions in State Courts, which went into force on September 24, 2018. The Protocol intends to promote constructive conversations in order to promote pre-action settlements and keep parties focused on the most important topics in dispute. The Guide examines the legal environment as it has evolved to date, including recent defamation cases that were previously unavailable in other local publications on the tort of defamation.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Practitioners' Guide On Damages Awarded For Defamation Cases In Singapore

Chapter 1 - General Introduction
A. Overview of defamation law in Singapore
B. Civil action
C. Sources of law
D. Criminal action
Chapter 2 - Preliminary Considerations
A. Parties who can sue
B. Parties who can be sued 
Chapter 3 - Commencing an Action
A. Preliminary matters
B. Which jurisdiction?
C. Which court?
D. Commencement of proceedings 
Chapter 4 - Elements of Defamation
A. General principles
B. Forms of defamatory statements
C. Establishing a prima facie case of defamation 
Chapter 5 - Defences
A. Introduction
B. Justification
C. Fair comment
D. Absolute privilege
E. Qualified privilege
F. Offer of amends
G. Innocent dissemination
H. Consent to publication
I. Limitation of actions 
Chapter 6 - Remedies
A. General principles
B. Monetary damages
C. Injunctions 
Chapter 7 - Overview of Damages Awarded
A. Overview
B. Slander
C. Libel 
Chapter 8 - Awards for Slander Cases
A. Index of awards of slander cases
B. Case summaries of awards for slander cases               
Chapter 9 - Awards for Slander and Libel Cases
A. Index of awards for libel and slander cases
B. Case summaries of awards for slander and libel cases
Chapter 10 - Awards for Libel Cases
A. Index of awards for libel cases
B. Case summaries of awards for libel cases (2006–2017)
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SKU: 4080070960 ISBN: 9789811429637

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