Principles of Malaysian Land Law, Second Edition (2022)


Principles of Malaysian Land Law, Second Edition By Sharifah Zubaidah , Nor Asiah Mohamad , Ainul Jaria Maidin , Azlinor Sufian  , Fauziah Mohd Noor 


Author Sharifah Zubaidah, Nor Asiah Mohamad, Ainul Jaria Maidin, Azlinor Sufian, Fauziah Mohd Noor
Publication Date 2022
ISBN 9789672701545
Format Softcover
Publisher LexisNexis


This book aims to present the fundamental ideas and concepts of Malaysian land law in an easily understandable manner for readers, particularly law students. Knowing more about the modified Torrens System used in the Malaysian land administration system is helpful for individuals who are interested. The book's main goal is to explain the principal Land law statutes, backed wherever appropriate and required by case law. The writing style and unique presenting method, which engages the readers, solves frequent points of uncertainty. Sections are divided into topics that are simple to explore and comprehend. This book is a really modern textbook that encourages and stimulates its students, helping them to comprehend and enjoy learning Land Law, an otherwise hard subject. It strikes a balance between conciseness with information and rigour with accessibility.

TABLE OF CONTENTS OF Principles of Malaysian Land Law, Second Edition

1. Introduction
2. General Concepts of Land Ownership
3. Rights and Powers of the State Authority
4. Dealings and Registration of Dealings
5. Indefeasibility of Titles and Interests
6. Transfers
7. Easement
8. Leases and Tenancies
9. Security Dealings
10. Restraint on Dealings
11. Management of Reserved Land
12. Compulsory Acquisition of Land
13. Strata Titles Law in Malaysia
14. Principles of Islamic Land Ownership

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SKU: 4182043050 ISBN: 9789672701545

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