Stephen King From A Buick 8


Stephen King From A Buick 8

Author Stephen King
Publication Date 2002
ISBN 9780340952665
Format Softcover
Publisher Hodder & Stoughton Ltd


A chilling classic from the no. 1 bestselling writer. Shortly after his father, a Pennsylvania state trooper, is killed in a senseless automobile accident, Ned Wilcox discovers that the members of Troop D have a secret concealed behind their headquarters. Curtis Wilcox's friends and colleagues take turns relating the twenty-year history of the mysterious Buick Roadmaster locked in Shed B and how its discovery and unexplained behavior has captivated the tightly knit group of men for two decades.

The Buick seems to be a conduit to another reality and every now and then it breathes, inhaling a little bit of this world, exhaling a little bit of whatever world it came from.

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SKU: 3116997564 ISBN: 9780340952665

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