The Law of the Internet, 4th Edition by Paul Lambert | 2015


The Law of the Internet, 4th Edition By Paul Lambert 

Author Paul Lambert 
Publication Date 2015
ISBN 9781847668943
Publisher Bloomsbury Professional

The free flow of information and services around the world via the Internet continually raises new challenges and problems, such as jurisdictional and legal issues, as well as how new products and services should be governed.

The Laws of the Internet is a key legal text book that covers Internet-related laws such as ecommerce, copyright, online contracting, data protection, and content issues. It takes a clear and easy approach to this complex subject, while also tackling more challenging topics for which there is sometimes no or very little legal precedent.

The new 4th edition's text will be updated throughout, with specific treatment of:

  • Networking and social media.
  • Case law with Interflora v Marks & Spencer and other keywords.
  • Requirements for the new distance selling regime.
  • Changes in data protection legislation have an impact.
  • Goods that are only available online.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of The Law of the Internet, 4th Edition

1. Introduction
2. Contract
3. Tort
4. Intellectual Property
5. Crime
6. Data and data protection
7. Taxation
8. Competition law and the internet
9. Regulation and regulated activities

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SKU: 3134562969 ISBN: 9781847668943

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