Universal's Cyber Laws by Pavan Duggal

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Universal's Cyber Laws by Pavan Duggal

Author Pavan Duggal
Publication Date 2nd Edition 2018
ISBN 9788131253663
Hard Cover 
Publisher LexisNexis


An exhaustive section wise Commentary on The Information Technology ACt along with Rules, Regulations, Policies, Notifications etc.

This book examines the evolution of Cyberlaw 3.0 in India and explores the diverse challenges confronting its implementation and development within the country.

In India, the inception of Cyberlaw 1.0 dates back to the year 2000 with the enactment of the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000. This legislation, modeled after the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce, marked India's initial step towards legitimizing electronic formats and establishing a legal framework for electronic commerce and governance.

The emergence of Cyberlaw 2.0 occurred through amendments introduced in the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000 via the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008. These amendments addressed crucial aspects such as cyber security, cyber terrorism, and encompassed communication devices in a broad spectrum.

However, with the passage of time and the significant advancements in technology enhancing the efficiency of our lives, the term "Cyberlaw 3.0" has gained prominence. Cyberlaw 3.0 denotes the evolution into the third phase of Cyberlaw, wherein it is tasked with addressing a myriad of legal, policy, and regulatory facets not only concerning computers, computer systems, networks, and resources, but also encompassing a wide array of emerging smartphones, mobiles, and communication devices.

Cyberlaw 3.0 essentially governs the digital and mobile ecosystem, characterized by its dynamic nature and continuous evolution. This evolving landscape is shaped not only by legislative enactments but also by case law, contributing to the progressive development of jurisprudence surrounding Cyberlaw 3.0.

Contents of Universal's Cyber Laws by Pavan Duggal:

Chapter 1: Preliminary
Chapter 2: Digital Signature & Electronic Signature
Chapter 3: Electronic Governance
Chapter 4: Attribution, Acknowledgement and Dispatch of Electronic Records
Chapter 5: Secure Electronic Records and Secure Electronic Signatures
Chapter 6: Regulation of Certifying Authorities
Chapter 7: Electronic Signature Certificates
Chapter 8: Duties of Subscribers
Chapter 9: Penalties, Compensation and Adjudication
Chapter 10: The Appellate Tribunal
Chapter 11: Offences
Chapter 12: Intermediaries Not To Be Liable In Certain Cases
Chapter 12A: Examiner of Electronic Evidence

Chapter 13: Miscellaneous

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SKU: 4260083934 ISBN: 9788131253663

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