VC George (Some stories i have told and some that i haven't)


VC George (Some stories i have told and some that i haven't)

Author VC George
Publication Date 1 July 2017
ISBN 9789671875810
Format Softcover
Publisher VCG


"Lawyer, Bar President, Apellate Court Jugde, Arbitration, Singer, Storyteller

A remarkable life. A remakable man. What remakable stories.

Some stories i have told and some that i haven't had me smiling (sometimes chuckling) from start to finish. But it is not all jokes and laughterby the author who is famous for his trademark sense of humour and quick wit. The foreword, written by author, gives us a compelling account of the historical context of his early years. Other historical, literary and cultural nuggets appear periodically throughout the book and inform the stories that follow. The chapters are unconstrained by chronology and that adds to the charm of the book as it winds its way seamlessly between stories. 

I could not put this book down. What with chapters with tittle "Madam Gluxman's home for Respactable ladies" and "The Ode To The Avial" . I promise you, neither will you.....

Bravo Judge! This Book is Just what the doctor ordered."

VC George (Some stories i have told and some that i haven't)

Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan
Inter Alia Past President, Bar Council of Malaysia
VC George recalls his experiences and memories - from growing up in Malaya, to school and work, and from presiding over the Malaysian Bar to after-hours spent at the Long Bar - in this vibrant and funny collection of stories. We speak with him about what it was like to write these stories and how his family and friends react to seeing themselves on paper. The book is then reviewed in Footnotes!
Find more books like VC George (Some stories i have told and some that i haven't): Biographies
SKU: 3947295221 ISBN: 9789671875810

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