Workmen’s Compensation Act 1952 (Act 273), Regulations & Orders (As at 10th May 2014)
Workmen's Compensation Act 1952 (Act 273)
An Act to provide for the payment of compensation to workmen for injury suffered in the course of their employment.
Detailed contents of Workmen’s Compensation Act 1952 (Act 273), Regulations & Orders :
In Malaysia, workers who are hurt or become disabled while working are entitled to compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Act 1952 (Act 273). The Act specifies the forms of compensation that might be provided to injured workers as well as the guidelines and processes for filing claims for compensation.
The Workmen's Compensation Act of 1952 is governed by regulations and orders:
These regulations outline how an employer or the person in control of the workplace should notify the Department of Labour about accidents. The report must be submitted within 14 days after the incident and should contain information such the name of the injured employee, the kind of harm they sustained, and what caused the mishap.
2. Workmen's Compensation (Medical Examination) Regulations 1953
According to these rules, wounded workers must undergo medical examinations and submit medical reports to the Department of Labour. The regulations outline the information that must be included in the medical report as well as the credentials of the medical professional who may examine the injured worker.
3. Workmen's Compensation (Amount of Compensation) Order 1953
Based on the type and degree of the injury, this order defines the compensation amounts that may be due under the Act. The ruling also contains a schedule of benefits that details the potential compensation amounts for different impairments, such limb loss or blindness.
4. Workmen's Compensation (Appeals) Regulations 1953
These regulations outline the steps for appealing a Director General of Labour decision regarding a compensation claim. The regulations outline the deadlines for filing appeals, the details that must be included in them, and the steps that must be taken during the hearing process.
5. Workmen's Compensation (Insolvency of Employer) Regulations 1953
These provisions allow for the payment of compensation when the employer becomes insolvent and is unable to make the required payment. The regulations outline the steps for filing a claim in these circumstances as well as the circumstances in which the claim may be paid.
6. Workmen's Compensation (Dependants) Regulations 1953
According to these legislation, compensation can be given to a worker's dependents who lost their lives in a workplace accident. The regulations outline the many categories of dependents who may qualify for compensation as well as the potential payout amounts for each dependent.
7. Workmen's Compensation (Foreign Workers' Compensation Scheme) Order 1998
The payment of compensation to foreign workers who suffer accidents or impairments while working in Malaysia is outlined in this order. The order outlines the sorts of compensation that may be offered as well as the steps for filing a claim.
Overall, the Workmen's Compensation Act of 1952 and its supplementary regulations and orders serve as an essential safety net for Malaysian workers, assuring their protection in the event of workplace accidents or injuries.
Workmen’s Compensation Act 1952 (Act 273), Regulations & Orders Contains:
Workmen’s Compensation Act 1952 (Act 273)
Workmen’s Compensation Regulations 1953
Workmen’s Compensation (Notice of Accident) Regulations 1981
Maximum Amounts for Fees and Costs
Workmen’s Compensation (Insurance) Order 1959
Workmen’s Compensation (Security for Insurance) Regulations 1959
Modification of Laws (Workmen’s Compensation) (Extension and Modification) Order 1981
Federal Territory of Labuan (Modification of Workmen’s Compensation Act) Order 1984
Workmen’s Compensation (Foreign Workers’ Compensation Scheme) (Insurance) Order 2005
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