Clerk & Lindsell on Torts, 23rd Edition + 2nd Supplement
Clerk & Lindsell on Torts, 23rd Edition + 2nd Supplement By Professor Michael Jones
Author | Professor Andrew Tettenborn |
Publication Date | Jun 2022 |
ISBN | 9780414092099 |
Format |
Hardback Mainwork + Paperback 2nd Supplement |
Publisher | Sweet & Maxwell |
One of our most well-known books, Clerk & Lindsell on Torts, from the Common Law Library series, is a crucial resource that judges and practitioners frequently consult. It provides the end user with essential access to up-to-date, consistent, and unrivalled authoritative knowledge on all facets of tort law. It gives the broadest coverage of the topic.
Key Features of Clerk & Lindsell on Torts, 23rd Edition:
- provides the broadest and most comprehensive overview of all aspects of tort law available.
- Lay forth the fundamental concepts of responsibility and causation
- provides a thorough explanation of common defences, including claimant misbehaviour, consent and acceptance of risk, exclusion of liability, and other defences.
- Covers all aspects of tort law, including joint and several responsibility, vicarious liability, capacity, parties, negligence, breach of duty, and professional liability, as well as product liability, occupiers' liability, employers' liability, and public service liability.
- discusses many significant topics, such as wrongful interference with property, unjust prosecution, deception, trespassing on private property, annoyance, Rylands v. Fletcher, and economic torts.
- discusses passing off and statutory intellectual property rights
- includes thoroughly revised and in-depth chapters on privacy misuse, breach of confidence, and defamation.
- comprehensive discussion of damages and alternative relief, such as injunctions
- covers limitation periods in depth and takes into account all possible liability theories in light of the pertinent human rights concerns
- fully considers the consequences of Brexit
The Second Supplement to the Twenty-Third Edition completely updates the Main Work with the most recent advancements (including, where appropriate, the fallout from the completion of the Brexit process). Among them are, among others:
- Thorley v Sandwell & West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust on adequate causation.
- Khan v Meadows and Manchester Building Society v Grant Thornton on the scope of a duty of care.
- Tindall v Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police and Rushbond Plc v JS Design LLP on acts and omissions.
- Campbell v Advantage Insurance Co Ltd on contributory negligence.
- Secretary of State for Health v Servier Laboratories Ltd on the economic torts and unlawful means.
- Jones v Ministry of Defence on private nuisance.
- Bell v Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust on young persons and consent to gender reassignment.
- Badia v Marks on expert witness liability.
- London Steamship Owners Mutual Ltd v Kingdom of Spain on sovereign immunity.
- Murray v Mabrouk on assault.
- Duchess of Sussex v Associated Newspapers Ltd and ZXC v Bloomberg on misuse of private information and breach of copyright.
- TuneIn Inc v Warner Music Ltd on EU copyright law post-Brexit.
- Huawei Technologies Co Ltd v Conversant Wireless Licensing SaRL on FRAND licences and patents.
- Hughes v Rattan on vicarious liability and liability for independent contractors.
- Barking & Dagenham LBC v Persons Unknown on property, injunctions, and anonymous trespassers.
- McQuillan’s Application for Judicial Review on timing and liability under the Human Rights Act 1998.
- Canada Square Operations Ltd v Potter on limitation and concealment.
TABLE OF CONTENTS of Clerk & Lindsell on Torts 23rd Ed
- Chapter 1: Principles of Liability in Tort;
- Chapter 2: Causation in Tort: General Principles;
- Chapter 3: General Defences;
- Chapter 4: Joint Liability and Contribution;
- Chapter 5: Capacity and Parties;
- Chapter 6: Vicarious Liability;
- Chapter 7: Negligence;
- Chapter 8: Breach of Statutory Duty;
- Chapter 9: Professional Liability;
- Chapter 10: Product Liability and Consumer Protection;
- Chapter 11: Occupiers’ Liability and Defective Premises;
- Chapter 12: Employers’ Liability;
- Chapter 13: Public Service Liability;
- Chapter 14: Trespass to the Person;
- Chapter 15: Malicious Prosecution;
- Chapter 16: Wrongful Interference with Goods;
- Chapter 17: Deceit;
- Chapter 18: Trespass to Land and Dispossession;
- Chapter 19: Nuisance and Rylands v Fletcher;
- Chapter 20: Animals;
- Chapter 21: Defamation;
- Chapter 22: Malicious Falsehood;
- Chapter 23: Economic Torts;
- Chapter 24: Statutory Intellectual Property Rights;
- Chapter 25: Passing off;
- Chapter 26: Breach of Confidence and Privacy;
- Chapter 27: Damages;
- Chapter 28: Injunctions;
- Chapter 29: Self-Help;
- Chapter 30: Discharge of Torts;
- Chapter 31: Limitation
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SKU: 4214464731
ISBN: 9780414092099
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