Criminal Law in Malaysia and Singapore, 3rd Edition | Soft Cover


Criminal Law in Malaysia and Singapore, 3rd Edition By Stanley Yeo, Neil Morgan and Chan Wing Cheong

Author Stanley Yeo, Neil Morgan and Chan Wing Cheong
Publication Date 2018
ISBN 9789814798297
Format Softcover
Publisher  LexisNexis 


For lawyers, judges, academics, and students, this work is vital. Each chapter's extensive examination of the concepts, workings, and complexity of criminal law is organised and structured, with clear headings and subheadings that make referring and review simple. The book is an authoritative work referred to in judicial processes, verdicts, and scholarly publications due to its extensive examination of key cases, academic commentary, and law reform viewpoints on criminal law.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Criminal Law in Malaysia and Singapore, 3rd Edition

Chapter 1: The Criminal Law: Context, Sources and History
Chapter 2 The Criminal Process, Harm and Punishment
Chapter 3 Physical Elements of Crimes
Chapter 4 Fault Elements of Crimes
Chapter 5 Causation
Chapter 6 The Concurrence Principle
Chapter 7 Strict Liability
Chapter 8 Homicide: Structure, Principles and Punishment
Chapter 9 Culpable Homicide and Murder
Chapter 10 Other Homicide Offences and Homicide Law Reform
Chapter 11 The Non-Fatal Offences: Structure, Principles and Punishment
Chapter 12 The Non-Fatal Offences: Consent, Provocation, Family Violence andSexual Offences
Chapter 13 Property Offences: Structure, Principles and Theft
Chapter 14 Misappropriation, Breach of Trust and Cheating
Chapter 15 Receiving, Extortion, Robbery and Burglary
Chapter 16 An Overview of Criminal Defences
Chapter 17 Mistake
Chapter 18 Accident
Chapter 19 Consent
Chapter 20 Private Defence
Chapter 21 Exceeding Private Defence
Chapter 22 Duress
Chapter 23 Necessity
Chapter 24 Unsoundness of mind
Chapter 25 Intoxication
Chapter 26 Automatism
Chapter 27 Diminished Responsibility
Chapter 28 Infancy
Chapter 29 Provocation
Chapter 30 Sudden Fight
Chapter 31 Infanticide
Chapter 32 Slight Harm
Chapter 33 Protection Accorded to Public Servants
Chapter 34 Abetment and Criminal Conspiracy
Chapter 35 Joint Liability
Chapter 36 Attempts
Chapter 37 Corporate Criminal Liability
Chapter 38 Revitalising the Penal Code: A Challenge


SKU: 4233683743 ISBN: 9789814798297

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