Electronic Evidence in the Courtroom A Lawyer’s Manual | 2022


Electronic Evidence in the Courtroom A Lawyer’s Manual | 2022

Author  Yuvraj P Narvankar
Publication Date  4 March 2022
ISBN 9789391211998
Publisher LexisNexis


Description of Electronic Evidence in the Courtroom A Lawyer’s Manual:

This book is an earnest attempt to enlighten practitioners from all fields of law with ultra-practical and legal nuances of electronic evidence in a very simple and lucid language. A decade of experience, research and incessant search of best practices in the world of electronic evidence, have gone into making this treatise. This book work provides hands-on forensics tools, practical techniques, tricks and tips, court approved formats, precedents and visual illustrations to prove and more importantly to disprove any kind of electronic evidence. Key Features: Attempts to bridge the gap between the actual procurement of electronic evidence and its proof in the Court of Law Covers the life cycle of electronic evidence from its acquisition and analysis till its cross examination and final assessment by the judge Woven around numerous well known and not-so-known judgments of various Indian High Courts and the Supreme Court Adopts a practical and capable approach to equip a lawyer to deal with any kind of the electronic evidence in the trial and situations arising in the world of Internet Attempts to enlighten the practitioners from all the fields of law with ultra-practical and legal nuances of electronic evidence in a very simple and lucid language. Along with the relevant citations and discussion, the book intends to give the reader concrete examples of the best practices followed for proving the major kinds of electronic evidence.

Table Of Contents of Electronic Evidence in the Courtroom A Lawyer’s Manual: 

Chapter 1 : Basic Of Electronic Evidence

Chapter 2 : Concept oF Electronic Evidence vis-a-vis Documentar Evidence

Chapter 3 : Important Aspects Of Certicifation Under Section 65B

Chapter 4 : Proving Various Kinds Of Electronic Record Tape Recording, Cctv, Email, Cdr, Audio Visual Clip, Snapshots, Messages

Chapter 5 : Integrity and Authentication Of The Electronic Evidence

Chapter 6 : Legality Of IIegally Obtained Electronic Evidence

Chapter 7 : Forensic Investigation

Chapter 8 : Retention and Discovery Of Electronic Evidence

Chapter 9 : Cross- Examination and Practical Tips

Appendix A : Important Provisions Of It and IEA, BBEA 

Appendix B  :  Offences and Penalties Under The It Act

Appendix C : Certificate Under The Bankers Books Of Evidence Act

Appendix D : Details Of Forensic Laboratories as Notified Under It Act

Appendix  E : Details Of Adjudication Authorities 

Appendix F : Experience Of Adjudicating Officers and Manner Of Holding

Appendix G : Guildelines For Letter Of Rogatory

Appendix H : Digital Media Guidelines , 2021

Subject Index

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SKU: 4195635347 ISBN: 9789391211998

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