Land Conservation Act 1960 (Act 385) & Land (Group Settlement Areas) Act 1960 (Act 530) (As At 1st April 2022)

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Land Conservation Act 1960 (Act 385) & Land (Group Settlement Areas) Act 1960 (Act 530)

(As At 1st April 2022)

Act 385 - An Act relating to the conservation of hill land and the protection of soil from erosion and the inroad of silt.

Act 530 – An Act for the purpose of ensuring uniformity of law and policy in respect of the establishment of group settlement areas and the conditions of alienation and occupation of land in such areas and for other matters incidental thereto.

Detailed Contents of Land Conservation Act 1960 (Act 385):

In Malaysia, two significant laws that address land usage and management are the Land Conservation Act 1960 (Act 385) and the Land (Group Settlement Areas) Act 1960 (Act 530).

The Land Conservation Act 1960 (Act 385) is a law that seeks to advance the responsible management and preservation of land in Malaysia. The Act calls for the creation of a land conservation board, which will be in charge of monitoring the Act's execution.

According to the Act, the land conservation board has the authority to control how land is used, including how it is developed, how natural resources are protected, and how soil erosion is avoided. In order to maintain the protection of natural resources, the Act also allows for the creation of land conservation areas. In these areas, land usage is strictly regulated.

The Land Conservation Act of 1960 (Act 385) also establishes penalties for noncompliance and the enforcement of the Act. The Act also allows for the confiscation of land when the owner is proven to have broken the law, in addition to fines and jail time as penalties.

Act 530, the Land (Group Settlement Zones) Act of 1960
A law that governs the management of land in group settlement areas in Malaysia is the Land (Group Settlement Areas) Act 1960 (Act 530). The Act allows for the creation of group settlement projects, which are meant to support the growth of rural areas and agriculture.

According to the Act, the Minister of Land and Mines has the authority to designate a region as a group settlement area and to create a group settlement programme. The Act allows for the distribution of land to settlers, who must put it to agricultural use. The Act also establishes agricultural cooperatives and prohibits specific land uses, among other provisions for the regulation of land use in group settlement zones.

The Land (Group Settlement Zones) Act of 1960 (Act 530) also establishes penalties for non-compliance and the enforcement of the Act. The Act also allows for the confiscation of land when the owner is proven to have broken the law, in addition to fines and jail time as penalties.

In conclusion, two significant laws in Malaysia that address land usage and management are the Land Conservation Act 1960 (Act 385) and the Land (Group Settlement Areas) Act 1960 (Act 530). While the Land (Group Settlement Areas) Act strives to encourage the growth of agricultural and rural communities through the creation of group settlement plans, the Land Conservation Act promotes the sustainable management and conservation of land in Malaysia. Both Acts include provisions for regulating land use and enforcing compliance.

Land Conservation Act 1960 (Act 385) Contains:

Land Conservation Act 1960 (Act 385)

Land (Group Settlement Areas) Act 1960 (Act 530)

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