Pillai White Collar Crime by Dr. K Prasad | 2023


Pillai White Collar Crime by Dr. K Prasad | 2023

Author Dr. K Prasad
Publication Date 2023
ISBN 9788194481225
Publisher Whitesmann Publishing Co.


Table of Content of Pillai White Collar Crime by Dr. K Prasad | 2023 :

1. Introduction
2. Thinking about white collar crimes
3. White collar crimes - the problem and the federal research
4. Bribery
5. Cheating and Forgery
6. Criminal Breach of Trust
7. False Evidence and offences against public justice
8. Prevention of Food Adulteration
9. Forged or Counterfeiting Currency-Notes or Bank Notes
10. Prevention of Corruption
11. Internet Gambling
12. Hacking-unauthorized access to computer material
13. Cyber Forgery and Frauds
14. Basic characteristics of Electronic Payments
15. Cyber Stalking

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SKU: 4255658708 ISBN: 9788194481225

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