Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice, Fifth Edition by Nigel Meeson & John A. Kimbell | 2017


Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice By Nigel Meeson & John A. Kimbell | 2017 

Author Nigel Meeson & John A. Kimbell
Publication Date Dec, 2017
ISBN 9781138916678
Format Hardcover 
Publisher Informa Law from Routledge


The authoritative work on Admiralty Court litigation is Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice. It is firmly established as the primary reference guide for today's maritime practitioner, providing unrivalled commentary and analysis on the essential principles of admiralty law, from jurisdiction and procedure to forms and precedents. Also,the writers  discuss a number of areas that aren't covered anywhere else, such as the impact of insolvency. The interaction of jurisdiction and practise, limitation periods, the role of international treaties, and collision action regulations.
Going on, the fifth edition of Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice has been completely revised to reflect recent case law as well as significant changes in Commercial Court practise and procedure. Furthermore,It also offers fresh new content on the hotly debated jurisdictions of Hong Kong and South Africa, including a comparison to English law and expert comments on key topics like ship arrest.
This book is a must-have for anyone interested in admiralty law.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice, Fifth Edition | 2017

1. Introduction
2. Admiralty Jurisdiction
3. Exercise of Jurisdiction
4. Procedure in an Admiralty Claim in Rem
5. Limitation of Actions
6. Priorities
7. Collision Claims
8. Limitation Claims
9. References to the Admiralty Registrar
10. Ship Mortgages

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SKU: 4253579932 ISBN: 9781138916678

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