Akta Aktiviti Kerajaan Elektronik 2007 (Akta 680) & Electronic Government Activities Act 2007 (Act 680) [Hingga 5hb APRIL 2009)

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Akta Aktiviti Kerajaan Elektronik 2007 (Akta 680) 

Electronic Government Activities Act 2007 (Act 680) 
[Hingga 5hb APRIL 2009) 
*Note: This book contains both the English and Malay version

Detailed Akta Aktiviti Kerajaan Elektronik 2007 (Akta 680) & Electronic Government Activities Act 2007 (Act 680) :

The Malaysian Parliament passed the Electronic Government Activities Act of 2007 (Act 680), often known as Akta Aktiviti Kerajaan Elektronik or Act 680. The Electronic Government Act of 2009 repealed the Act, which remained in effect until April 5, 2009.

The Act's main goals were to establish the Electronic Government Activities Fund and to set up procedures for the management and administration of electronic government operations. According to the Act, every activity carried out by a government agency online is considered an electronic government activity.

Every government agency was required by the Act to create and carry out an electronic government activities plan, which had to be authorised by the Minister in charge of the agency. The agency's plan must outline the electronic government initiatives it will pursue, the implementation schedule, and the resources needed.

The Electronic Government Activities Fund, which was to be managed by the Ministry of Finance, was also established under the Act. The Fund was intended to be used by government organisations to fund the deployment of electronic government functions.

The Act also included requirements for the security of electronic transactions and the protection of personal information. The security and confidentiality of personal information were to be ensured by government agencies, and all necessary precautions were to be taken to guard against illegal access, use, or disclosure.

The Act also provided for the creation of an Electronic Government Advisory Council, whose job it was to provide guidance on electronic government-related issues to the Minister in charge of those activities.

To summarise, the Malaysian government passed the Akta Aktiviti Kerajaan Elektronik 2007 or Electronic Government Activities Act 2007 (Act 680) to encourage and control the use of electronic tools in official functions. The Act established a fund to subsidise such efforts, required government agencies to create and implement strategies for electronic government activities, and provided for the security of electronic transactions as well as the protection of personal data. The Electronic Government Act 2009 was passed in 2009 to replace the Act. 
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SKU: 3795017387 ISBN: 9789678920025

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