Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 (Akta 759), Perintah-Perintah & Peraturan-Peraturan (Hingga 1hb Julai 2017)
Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 ialah suatu Akta untuk mengadakan peruntukan bagi pengawalselian dan penyeliaan institusi kewangan Islam, sistem pembayaran dan entiti berkaitan yang lain dan pengawasan pasaran wang Islam dan pasaran pertukaran asing Islam untuk menggalakkan kestabilan kewangan dan pematuhan Shariah dan bagi perkara yang berhubungan, berbangkit atau bersampingan dengannya.
Detailed Contents Of Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 (Akta 759) :
Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 (Akta 759) is a Malaysian law that regulates Islamic financial services. The Act outlines the legal framework for Islamic financial institutions, including Islamic banks, takaful (Islamic insurance) companies, and Islamic fund management companies.
The Act defines Islamic financial services as services that are based on Shariah principles and are designed to meet the financial needs of individuals and businesses in accordance with Islamic law. The Act also establishes the Shariah Advisory Council, which is responsible for advising the Minister of Finance on matters related to Shariah compliance in the Islamic finance industry.
The Act also provides for the establishment and regulation of the Islamic Financial Services Board, which is responsible for promoting and enhancing the soundness and stability of the Islamic financial services industry. The Board is also responsible for setting standards and guidelines for the industry, and for promoting cooperation and collaboration among Islamic financial institutions.
In addition to the Act, there are also several regulations and orders that have been issued to provide further guidance and clarification on the implementation of the Act. These include:
Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (Licencing and Registration) Regulations 2014 - These regulations provide for the licensing and registration of Islamic financial institutions, and outline the requirements and procedures for obtaining a license or registration.
Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (Shariah Advisory Council) Regulations 2014 - These regulations outline the roles and responsibilities of the Shariah Advisory Council, including the process for appointing its members and the procedures for conducting its meetings.
Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (Disclosures and Transparency) Regulations 2014 - These regulations provide for the disclosure of information by Islamic financial institutions, including information on their financial performance, risks, and governance.
Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (Conduct) Regulations 2014 - These regulations outline the standards of conduct that must be observed by Islamic financial institutions, including the treatment of customers, the handling of complaints, and the management of conflicts of interest.
Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (Takaful) Regulations 2014 - These regulations provide for the regulation of takaful companies, including the requirements for their licensing and registration, the types of takaful products they can offer, and the minimum capital requirements they must meet.
Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (Islamic Fund Management) Regulations 2013 - These regulations provide for the regulation of Islamic fund management companies, including the requirements for their licensing and registration, the types of Islamic funds they can manage, and the minimum capital requirements they must meet.
Overall, the Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 (Akta 759) and its associated regulations and orders provide a comprehensive legal framework for the Islamic financial services industry in Malaysia, and help to ensure that the industry operates in a transparent, fair, and Shariah-compliant manner.
Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 (Akta 759) Contains:
Perintah Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam (Syarikat Pemegangan Kewangan) (Ketidakpakaian dan Pemakaian dengan Ubah Suaian) 2013
Perintah Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam (Instrumen Pembayaran Islam Yang Ditetapkan) 2013
Perintah Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam (Amaun Minimum Dana Modal atau Lebihan Aset Berbanding Liabiliti) (Orang Berlesen) 2013
Perintah Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam (Amaun Minimum Dana Modal) (Orang yang Diluluskan) 2013
Perintah Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam (Kontrak Takaful Am untuk Harta atau Liabiliti) 2013
Perintah Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam (Tarikh Yang Ditetapkan Bagi Deposit Islam) 2014
Peraturan-Peraturan Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam (Fi) 2014
Peraturan-Peraturan Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam (Skim Ombudsman Kewangan) 2015
Perintah Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam (Pengecualian) 2017
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