Black's Law Dictionary 11th ed
Black's Law Dictionary 11th ed
Author | Bryan A. Garner |
Publication Date | 2019 |
ISBN | 9781539229759 |
Format | Hardcover |
Publisher | Thomson West |
Black's Law Dictionary has been the de facto standard for legal terminology for about 130 years. The most useful, thorough, scholarly, and authoritative law dictionary ever published, the considerably expanded 11th edition has new content on every page.
It precisely and rigorously defines more than 55,000 terms and expressions relevant to the law, noting their historical and contemporary subtleties. Accountability, anticipatory self-defense, cyber force, Islamic law, Jewish law, legal moralism, legal reasoning, moral equality, peacekeeping, remotely piloted warfare, right to rebel, and umbrella clause are just a few of the 3,500 new terms that are included in this version.
Black's Law Dictionary is now the most comprehensive and dependable source for these crucial and frequently elusive terms thanks to the addition of more than 900 new Latin maxims, new translations, and meticulous indexing.
In order to provide dictionary readers with a more thorough understanding of historical context, words are provided their dates of earliest known use in English-language sources. The only legal dictionary that offers this information is Black's Law Dictionary.
The rich bibliography includes a list of the more than 1,000 legal masterpieces that are cited in passing throughout the dictionary to help readers better grasp legal jargon. The more than 6,000 quotations each identify a crucial and otherwise difficult-to-find definition of the terms being discussed.
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