Clerk & Lindsell on Torts, 19th Edition


Clerk & Lindsell on Torts, 19th Edition

Author A.M. Jones & M.A. Dugdale (Editors)
Publication Date December 2006
ISBN 9780421888906
Format Hardcover
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell

"Clerk & Lindsell on Torts" is the authoritative resource in this field, offering the most extensive and up-to-date coverage available. It provides users with invaluable access to thorough and unmatched information on every aspect of tort law. As a crucial reference, it is frequently cited by both practitioners and the judiciary.

This work comprehensively addresses all areas of tort law, including negligence, defamation, nuisance, trespass, and statutory torts. Each tort is examined in detail, with chapters dedicated to individual topics, discussing potential defenses and relevant human rights considerations.

The 4th cumulative Supplement was released in October 2009, following the 3rd in October 2008, the 2nd in November 2007, and the 1st in December 2006, with the main work initially published in December 2005. It consolidates all aspects of tort law in one source, saving time and offering unparalleled explanations of general principles. It also includes comprehensive commentary on recent case law, demonstrating the application of these principles in various contexts. The content is applicable to all common law jurisdictions, with relevant consideration of Commonwealth law.

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