Companies Act 2016: The New Dynamics of Company Law in Malaysia

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Companies Act 2016: The New Dynamics of Company Law in Malaysia

Author  Kenneth Foo Poh Khean and Lee Shih
Publication Date 2017
Format Hardcover
Publisher CLJ Publication

'Companies Act 2016: The New Dynamics of Company Law in Malaysia' is a practical guide on the newly enacted Companies Act 2016. This book serves as an authoritative text to allow readers to navigate into this new corporate landscape. It provides an in-depth analysis and commentary of all the major and significant areas of the new Act.

The Companies Act 2016 is a culmination of recommendations from the Companies Commission of Malaysia and the Corporate Law Reform Committee to revamp the previous Companies Act 1965. In enacting this new Act, Malaysia has adopted the best practices from other jurisdictions to enable Malaysian companies to compete, innovate and become globalised.

Among others, this book covers the changes to the incorporation of companies, the practical issues and challenges that directors will face and the new remedies available to shareholders. Readers will be able to easily appreciate how these provisions promote the ease of doing business in Malaysia while strengthening the corporate governance frameworks and corporate reporting environment. That aside, the new Act will also introduce two new corporate rescue mechanisms in the form of corporate voluntary arrangement and judicial management.

As experienced company law practitioners, the authors have shared their knowledge and expertise in this book based on their combined experience in the legal industry, company secretarial practice, corporate compliance and insolvency work. As the title suggests, readers will gain fresh insights and perspectives in The New Dynamics of Company Law in Malaysia arising from the Companies Act 2016.

Find more books like Companies Act 2016: The New Dynamics of Company Law in Malaysia: Company Law
SKU: 4198918006 ISBN: 9789674571207

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