Constitutional Federalism in Malaysia, 2nd Edition

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Constitutional Federalism in Malaysia, 2nd Edition

Author JC FONG
Publication Date Jun 2016
ISBN 9789670915685
Hardcover + ebook
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell


This book covers constitutional history and discusses the Federal system of government under the Constitution, including the distribution of legislative and executive powers, the rights and responsibilities of the Federal and State governments, the sharing of revenues, financial burdens, and functions between the Federal and State governments, the special protection for Sabah and Sarawak, and amendments to the Federal Constitution, particularly those enacted after the Constitution was ratified.

NEW IN THIS EDITION of Constitutional Federalism in Malaysia

  • Updated to reflect new judicial pronouncements and legislative developments.
  • Discusses calls for the greater sharing of the nation's wealth and revenue.
  • Considers the viability of the decentralization of powers to State Governments.
  • The constitutional concerns of when and how confidence in the government is to be decided, as well as when the government's head may be ousted, are examined.
  • Discusses court rulings on religious problems like as conversions, divorce, and child custody, as well as non-Muslim attorneys' inability to present in Syariah Courts.
  • Explains the court's more liberal approach on individuals' locus standi in challenging the government's violation of constitutional obligations.
  • Recent judicial rulings recognise the right of private persons to pursue legal remedies to implement the Malaysia Agreement and constitutional guarantees for Borneo States.

Key Features of Constitutional Federalism in Malaysia, 2nd Edition

  • Gives clear explanation of the distribution of sovereign  powers between the Federation and the States.
  • Contains extensive discussion of the powers of Parliament to amend the supreme law and of the guiding principles of the Constitution.
  • Provides analytical and insightful commentary, with regular reference to cases, legislation and background source.
  • Written by author with in-depth knowledge experience in managing Federal-State relations.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Constitutional Federalism in Malaysia

1. Malaysia: Historical Background
2. The Malaysian Constitution –  A Historical Perspective
3. The Concept of Federation
4. Division of Legislative and Other Powers between the Federation and the States
5. Financial Arrangements between Federal Government and the States
6. Special Constitutional Safeguards for Sabah and Sarawak
7. Interpretation of the Constitution
8. Amendment of the Constitution
9. Consultation and Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution
10. Conclusion

For more similar books to Constitutional Federalism in Malaysia: Federal Constitution

SKU: 3779879695 ISBN: 9789670915685

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