Copinger and Skone James on Copyright 17th edition (2 volume set)


Copinger and Skone James on Copyright 17th edition (2 volume set) By Nicholas Caddick, Gillian Davies, Gwilym Harbottle

Author Nicholas Caddick, Gillian Davies, Gwilym Harbottle
Publication Date 2016
ISBN 9780414034228
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell


Copinger & Skone James on Copyright is a renowned work in its area, providing extensive and complete examination of the key topics of copyright and related rights. This new version has been completely updated to reflect the growing importance of international and European legislation in this area. Volume 1 offers analysis and discussion, whereas Volume 2 comprises laws and materials. The title takes you through Copyright, Rights in Performances, Rights in Designs, Moral Rights, and a variety of Miscellaneous Rights in a subject-by-subject manner.


TABLE OF CONTENTS of Copinger and Skone James on Copyright


- Introduction - Classification and Scope of the Protection of Copyright, Related Rights and Design Rights
- Copyright
    Nature and History of Copyright
    Requirements for Copyright Protection
    Authorship of Copyright Works
    Chain of Title Duration of Copyright
    The Rights of a Copyright Owner: Primary Infringement
    Secondary Infringement of Copyright
    Permitted Acts
    Crown and Parliamentary Rights
- Moral Rights
    Moral Rights of authors Moral rights of performers
- Rights in Performances
    Performers’ Rights
    Rights of persons with recording rights
- Design Right and the Protection of Works of Industrial Application
    Design right Unregistered Community design
    Registered designs (in outline)
    Copyright in works of industrial application
- Miscellaneous Rights
    Semiconductor Topographies
    Devices Designed to Circumvent Copy-Protection
    Fraudulent Reception of Transmissions
    Publication Right
    Public Lending Right
    Rights of Confidence
    The Protection of Goodwill
- Remedies
    Civil Remedies
    Criminal Remedies
- International Aspects
    International Treaties
    Community Law The Protection of Copyright Works Abroad
- Exploitation and Control of Rights
    Exploitation of Rights in Particular Industries
    Collecting Societies
    Control of the Exercise of Copyrights and Related Rights

- Copyright, designs and patents act 1988 and related materials
    Copyright, Designs and Patent Acts 1988 as variously amended
    The Broadcasting Act 1990
    Regulations amending the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and transitional -provisions
    The Copyright and Rights in databases Regulations 1997 as amended
    Regulations made under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
    Commencement Orders (Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988)
    Related legislation and materials
    Orders in council
    Table of parliamentary debates
    Repealed statutes
    Copyright conventions and agreements
    Treaty of Rome
    EC directives EC council decisions & directives
    Precedents and court forms

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SKU: 1745901669 ISBN: 9780414034228

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