Corporate Insolvency Law and Practice, 4th Edition

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Corporate Insolvency Law and Practice, 4th Edition By Edward Bailey And Hugo Groves 

Author Edward Bailey and Hugo Groves
Publication Date 2014
ISBN 9781405743297
Publisher LexisNexis


Corporate Insolvency - Law and Practice by Bailey and Groves is a prominent commentary on the substantive law of corporate insolvency as well as practical assistance on the numerous processes that arise in this vital sector.

-Will include the impact of the Insolvency Rules revision and any future amendments (the Insolvency Service is likely to issue new Insolvency Rules in 2012/13 with new numbering), as well as any new case law.

-A new chapter on the effects of bankruptcy on leases and property has been included.

It is a user-friendly work that covers all elements of corporate insolvency in one volume and is accessible to both legal and accounting practitioners. It is written by recognised specialists in the industry.

The book examines the law and practise from the viewpoint of a UK practitioner, but it also contains chapters on the EU and the United States to meet the demands of contemporary business (which is increasingly conducted abroad). 

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Corporate Insolvency Law and Practice

-Insolvency Courts and Procedures
-Practice and Procedure in Insolvency Proceedings
-Transfer and Stay in Insolvency Proceedings
-Reviews and Appeals in Insolvency Proceedings
-Effect of Insolvency on Litigation and Arbitration
-Insolvency Practitioners
-Liability of Office-Holders
-Official Receiver and Secretary of State
-Company Voluntary Arrangements
-Administrative Receivership
-Introduction to Winding Up
-Voluntary Winding Up
-Winding Up by the Court
-The Liquidator
-Meetings of Creditors and Contributories
-Criminal Offences Arising in Corporate Insolvency
-Human Rights and the Insolvent Company
-Investigation Procedures
-Protection of Company's Property
-Adjustment of Antecedent Transactions
-Transactions Defrauding Creditors
-Contributions by Contributories
-Proof of Debts: Liquidation and Administration
-The Impact of Insolvency on Guarantees
-Distribution of Assets - Liquidation and Administration
-The Effect of Employer's Insolvency on Employees
-Rights against Insolvency Company's Insurers
-Insolvency in the Financial Markets
-Insolvency of Companies not Registered under the Companies Act Partnership
-The EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings
-Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006
-A Comparison of English and US Insolvency Law
Appendix 1 - Insolvency Act 1986 Ss 249 and 435
Appendix 2 - Practice Direction Insolvency Proceedings
Appendix 3 - Practice Direction - Directors Disqualification Proceedings
Appendix 4 - Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations, SI 2006/1030, Sched.2


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SKU: 3739433857 ISBN: 9781405743297

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