Documentary Evidence, 14th Edition by Charles Hollander

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Documentary Evidence, 14th Edition by Charles Hollander

Author Charles Hollander QC
Publication Date 2023 (Indian Reprint)
ISBN 9789395696364
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell

Documentary Evidence, now in its 14th edition, is a thorough guide to the disclosure requirements under the law. It offers thorough analysis and smart, useful suggestions in a clear, logical style. It demonstrates when and how a practitioner should behave in connection to the disclosure duty using a chronological structure. It is a well-known text that is frequently cited in court rulings. The Civil Procedure Rules encourage the parties to an action to take a "cards-on-the-table" stance when exchanging information, not just once litigation has started but also prior. Early on, a few documents will probably be recognised as being crucial or pertinent to the subject at hand. These will be consulted in order to determine whether or not the dispute should be taken further. The law requires full and proper disclosure, which is the procedure by which the parties to an action disclose to each other all documents in their possession, custody, or power relevant to the topics in question in the case, if it is decided to proceed. The nature and extent of the disclosure duty are covered in this chapter.

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SKU: 4246445129 ISBN: 9789395696364

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