Financial Crimes in Singapore, 2nd Edition

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Financial Crimes in Singapore, 2nd Edition

Author Hamidul Haq, Thong Chee Kun, Istyana Ibrahim
Publication Date 2019
ISBN 9789814798310
Softcover / eBook
Publisher LexisNexis


Financial Crimes in Singapore offers a succinct and comprehensive outline of white-collar and business crime laws in Singapore, catering to busy professionals such as practitioners, in-house counsel, bankers, auditors, company directors, financial advisors, newcomers, and students. It includes a summary of recent case law updates, serving as a valuable resource for anyone seeking an understanding of relevant laws pertaining to different types of white-collar offenses in Singapore.

Table of Contents of Financial Crimes in Singapore, 2nd Edition

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Insider Trading in Singapore
Chapter 3 - Other Forms of Market Abuse under Part XII of the Securities and Futures Act
Chapter 4 - Corruption
Chapter 5 - Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing
Chapter 6 - Other Financial Crimes
Chapter 7 - International Issues and Asset Forfeiture
Chapter 8 - Internal Investigations and Preventing and/or Investigating Fraud in the Workplace

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SKU: 4318016261 ISBN: 9789814798310

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