Harbans' Engineering and Construction Contracts Management : Pre-Contract Award Practice, 2nd Edition

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Harbans' Engineering and Construction Contracts Management : Pre-Contract Award Practice, 2nd Edition

Author Ir Harbans Singh KS
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 9789674001117
Format Softcover / eBook
Publisher LexisNexis

Engineering & Construction Contracts Management: Pre-Contract Practice (2nd ed.) by Harbans is the second of four volumes on Engineering & Construction Contracts Management; the others being Law & Principles, Commencement & Administration, and Post-Commencement Practice. The local engineering and construction sector reacted positively to the first edition, which was released in 2002.

This second volume covers all aspects of a typical engineering and construction contract, from the beginning until the award of the tender or contract signing. The main stages of project execution, contract procurement procedures, beginning and design development, the tender process, contract award, and contract paperwork are among the topics covered. To make the book thorough and sufficient, these themes are complemented with a digest of local cases pertinent to the topics and a glossary of legal words.

The second edition not only considers the evolution of the legislation to date, but also novel contract procurement and implementation methods that have just arrived on our shores. It discusses and expands on strategies used by the Malaysian government in its Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), such as partnership, privatisation, the Private Finance Initiative (PFI), the Project Delivery Partner (PDP) system, and the "Swiss Challenge" system, among others. The book also discusses the One Stop Centre (OSC) system, which is now being used by Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) and other local governments for plan submission and approval.

In addition to the foregoing, the prior chapters have been amended and updated to reflect recent developments, and the summary of pertinent local cases has been increased. Charts and diagrammes have been retained but altered, in keeping with the structure of the original edition, which was warmly appreciated by readers. Other new elements, such as paragraphing, were included in conjunction with the 2nd edition of Book 1 to make cross-referencing and exploring the book's contents easier.

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SKU: 3134859693 ISBN: 9789674001117

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