Interlocutory Applications: Cause Papers & Procedures | 2023


Interlocutory Applications: Cause Papers & Procedures By: Dr. Shahrul Mizan Ismail, Chia Eng Yi & Wong Shun Yong | 2023

Author Dr. Shahrul Mizan Ismail, Chia Eng Yi & Wong Shun Yong
Publication Date 2023
ISBN 9789678929967
Format Softcover (156 pages)
Publisher International Law Book Services


One of the greatest challenges about civil litigation in Malaysia is to understand the complexities of the numerous interlocutory applications that parties may apply pursuant to their respective needs. Common confusion among students and young practitioners are mainly centred around two factors, namely which application is to be used in which situation, and how the relevant cause papers should be prepared. This book aims at providing aid in these two aspects, by discussing the most common interlocutory applications, but in a more hands-on and practical approach. In between explanations, samples of cause papers are shared, together with excerpts that illustrate their effective drafting. Combining both the theories of civil procedure and the practical skills of drafting in litigation, this book endeavours to be a handy companion for students and young legal practitioners all over Malaysia.

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SKU: 4241873561 ISBN: 9789678929967

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