Knight's Forensic Pathology, 4th Edition
Knight's Forensic Pathology, 4th Edition
Author | Pekka Saukko, Bernard Knight |
Publication Date | 2015 |
ISBN | 9780340972533 |
Format |
Hard Cover + eBook |
Publisher | CRC Press |
The fourth edition of Knight's Forensic Pathology remains the leading global reference for both trainees and professionals, covering every aspect of medico-legal autopsies. It addresses determining the cause and time of death, analyzing wounds, and exploring every detail involved in investigating a fatality.
The book aims to guide pathologists—and in some regions, non-pathologists—through the necessary procedures for examining bodies discovered in mysterious, suspicious, or criminal circumstances.
While police methods and pathologist practices may differ internationally, the principles and techniques outlined in this book provide a framework for best practices that can be adapted to suit local needs.
This new edition has been extensively updated, featuring over 200 new color illustrations. It continues the esteemed tradition of clarity and readability established by Prof. Bernard Knight since the first edition in 1991, focusing on the practical application of knowledge and research while avoiding over-interpretation.
Contents of Knight's Forensic Pathology, 4th Edition:
The Forensic Autopsy
The Pathophysiology of Death
The Establishment of Identity of Human Remains
The Pathology of Wounds
Head and Spinal Injuries
Chest and Abdominal Injuries
Self-Inflicted Injury
Gunshot and Explosion Deaths
Transportation Injuries
Abuse of Human Rights: Deaths in Custody
Burns and Scalds
Electrical Fatalities
Complications of Injury
Suffocation and ‘Asphyxia’
Fatal Pressure on the Neck
Immersion Deaths
Neglect, Starvation and Hypothermia
Deaths Associated with Sexual offences
Deaths Associated with Pregnancy
Child Homicide
Sudden Death in Infancy
Fatal Child Abuse
Deaths Associated with Surgical Procedures
Dysbaric Fatalities and Barotrauma
The Pathology of Sudden Death
Forensic Dentistry for the Pathologist
Poisoning and the Pathologist
Forensic Aspects of Alcohol
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Organophosphorus Poisoning
Poisoning by Medicines
Death from Narcotic and Hallucinogenic Drugs
Corrosive and Metallic Poisoning
Deaths from Organic Solvents
About The Author(s):
Pekka Saukko: Dr. med. (Vienna, Austria), DMSc, Dr. h.c., FFFLM (Hon), FBAFM (Hon); emeritus professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Turku, Finland. He is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and an honorary member of the Hungarian Society of Legal Medicine, Royal Belgian Society of Legal Medicine, German Society of Legal Medicine, and Japanese Society of Legal Medicine.
Bernard Knight: CBE, MD, BCh, MRCP, FRCPath, FHKCPath, DMJ (Path), FRSM, FFFMRCP, LLD (Hon), DM (Hon), DSc (Hon), PhD (Hon), DPh.Med (Hon); a barrister of Gray’s Inn and emeritus professor of Forensic Pathology at Cardiff University. He is also an honorary member of the Royal Belgian Academy of Medicine, Hungarian Society of Legal Medicine, Finnish Society of Forensic Medicine, German Society of Legal Medicine, and Medico-Legal Society of China.
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