Legal Draftsman by Hargopal | Volume 1 & 2
Legal Draftsman by Hargopal | Volume 1 & 2
Author | Hargopal |
Publication Date | September, 2021 |
ISBN | 9789391211523 |
Format |
Hardcover + Free Pen Drive |
Publisher | Lexis Nexis |
Description of Legal Draftsman by Hargopal :
Hargopal Legal Draftsman, since its first publication in 1937, has withstood the test of time to firmly establish itself as an authoritative and indispensable practical guide to legal drafting.
Key Features:
- Both volumes have been completely restructured in line with the connectivity and flow of topics
- Contains traditional as well as highly technical drafts applicable to the complex transactions
- Covers latest and relevant provisions on the Companies Act, 2013 and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
- The legislation portion is also updated with the latest amendments
- Includes latest judgments delivered by the Supreme Court and various High Courts like Orator Marketing Pvt. Ltd. v Samtex Desinz Pvt. Ltd, UMC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. v Food Corporation of India, Ashok Prasad v State of Bihar, etc.
- Comes with an additional Pen Drive that contains editable forms, specimen, conveyances, precedents, deeds and documents, agreements and contracts with model legal clauses
Contents of Legal Draftsman by Hargopal | Volume 1 & 2
I. Some Write-ups
II. Hints on Legal Drafting of Documents
III. General Observations on Drafting
IV. Description of English Deeds
V. Affidavits
VI. Notices
VII. Dishonour of Cheques
VIII. Matrimonial Law - Basic Drafting
IX. Separation Deeds between Husband and Wife
X. Adoption Deeds
XI. Franchise Agreement -An Overview and Basics of Drafting
XII. Agency Contracts
XIII. Contract for Sale
XIV. Guarantee and Indemnity
XV. Hire-Purchase Agreements
XVI. Leases and Licence
XVII. Mortgages
XVIII. Conveyance On Sale or Sale-Deed
XIX. Settlements
XX. Trusts, Trustees and Trust Deeds
XXI. Gifts
XXII. Charitable and Religious-Endowments
XXIV. Society
XXV. Wills
XXVI. Disclaimer
XXVII. Exchanges
XXVIII. Easements
XXIX. Transport Aggreements
XXX. Practical Guide to Import Documentation
XXXI. Specimen Bills of Lading etc., Reproduced by the Courtesy of the Baltic & International Maritime Conference
XXXII. Port and Customs Clearance Guide
XXXIII. American Institute Cargo Clauses
XXXIV. Aircraft Purchase and Sale Agreements
XXXV. Specimen - General Average Bonds
XXXVI. Guide to Materials Management
XXXVII. Building Agreements
XXXVIII. Real Estate Agreements
XXXIX. Model Form of Cost-Reimbursable Contract
XL. Banking Companies
XLI. Banking Forms
XLII. Company Law
XLIII. Amalgamation of Companies
XLIV. Underwriting Agreements
XLV. Limited Liability Partnership
XLVI. Bankruptcy-Insolvency
XLVII. Chartered Accounts
XLVIII. Chartered Cost Accountants
XLIX. Arbitration
L. Intellectual Property
LI. Copyright Forms and Notices
LII. Cyber Law - Legal E-Nxiety
LIII. Technology Licence Agreements
LIV. Transfer of Technology Agreements
LV. Guide to Micro-Computers Management
LVI. Model Forms-Electronics and Computers
LVII. The Acquisition of Informatics Equipment Model Contract with Illustrative Clauses
LVIII. Guidelines for the Diffusion of Informatics in Small and Medium Companies (SMC's)
LIX. Service Agreements
LX. Website Development Agreement
LXI. Sponsorship Agreement General
LXII. Government Contract - Globally General Conditions
LXIII. Legal Aspects International Sales Contracts
LXIV. Foreign Trade Transactions Model Form-General Terms and Conditions of Purchase
LXV. Guidelines for Contracting for Industrial Projects
LXVI. Project Finance
LXVII. International Buy-Back Contract
LXVIII. Industrial Joint-Venture Agreements with Specimen Clauses of Model Forms
LXIX. Agreements
LXX. Labour Forms and Notices
LXXI. Miscellaneous Notices in Other Cases
LXXII. Partnership
LXXIII. Notices in Partnership Cases
LXXIV. Partition
LXXV. Release-Deeds
Miscellaneous Drafts at a Glance
Glossary of Terms used in Model Contracts
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